
you are the kind of parent i treasure. bet she’d love it.

my grandfather gave me a subscription to the national review. i love him anyway. he is also dead, and every so often i buy an issue and then with some ceremony throw it away, as a remembrance.

i’m getting mitt romney here


FINALLY, my major in english looks like a smart choice.

some people have no idea how nauseous they are

ghost boobs! yay!

there is only one kylie.

and fried chicken!

southern living has THE BEST baking recipes. their “perfect chocolate cake” (which may have been copied from mccalls, possibly) is, in fact, perfect.

what did the cat do on the beach?

or out of it.

you are so right. it’s long been a tactic of the powerful to limit the opportunities of the powerless, and then denigrate those same people for their lack of power & opportunities. (see also jews & banking in the middle ages.) it’s disgusting.

didn’t check the byline before reading, got to “improperly supervised,” tho, and i knew. i knew.

and good luck with your new situation. break ups are very hard, and i wish you the best.

sorry, didn’t mean it to sound competitive, just that the break up conversation is less miserable than life in a terrible relationship.

at least she comes out and says it’s illegal. on the new “courtesy counts” signs on the nyc subway, this behavior is described as “inappropriate.” if i commuted with a sharpie, i’d correct their error.

gotta disagree here - however hard it is, it is not harder than living in a loveless relationship. THAT is way harder than any conversation you will ever have.

excuse me, sorry to bother you, i just have to tell you that i love your comment.

stone cold shade queen