
It’s like if the rules for the board game Clue stated that the game ended when all of the facts (criminal, location, and weapon) were revealed, but you weren’t allowed to state them together in a declarative sentence. In fact, if you did, you’d be automatically disqualified and then publicly raked over the coals by a

I don’t need ESPN to tell me Andy Dalton sucks or that Trump is a white supremacist. Some things are just obvious enough on their own.

Is she related to Mike Huckabee? Because she’s a terrible human being and she shares her maiden name with him.

Is she related to Colonel Sanders? Cause she knows how to cook up half baked shit in a bucket and serve it to the American people.

Hopefully someone let Trump know Vince is really ok.

Ugh. Typical glory boy. You play for the name on the FRONT of your jersey!

Funny enough, I was with a few giants fans and not even 10 seconds after this fantastic catch happened, all I heard about was how this catch has nothing on the David Tyree catch in the super bowl.

Probably just arguing about who was Britain’s greatest Prime Minister.

I question the commitment of those 4 hairs to form a comb over.

I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now eat each others ass.

Coach Meyer went on to state “that Coach Herman does not look like a steer, and that Texas was only famous for two things.”

I’m shocked he admitted he was a person.

This will be settled out of court by each league’s respective washed up lawers.

Maybe this will finally open up a job for Colin Kaepernick.

+1 Summer’s Eve

God can take me instead.

You know why I like this apology? There’s no “if” in there.

At least with The General he has a running mate for his 2024 Presidential run.

Not a single “dong” in this post.