Recovering skank here- still pining after a purple tube top I gave to Goodwill 15 years ago
Recovering skank here- still pining after a purple tube top I gave to Goodwill 15 years ago
One year my mom ran over my foot with her car right after we got to my uncle’s house on Christmas Day. (I thought we were parked and opened the back to get the presents, she was trying to Meadow Soprano the car into a more perfect configuration I guess, since we had to pack a lot of cars into a small driveway). My…
Neither disastrous, nor terribly unusual for parents, but still funny: our office party this week was kid friendly, so we brought them. Our youngest is going through potty training and said he needed to go.
A colleague died at our holiday party. Major coronary on the dance floor.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times......jk, it was the best of times. Early last month I got to visit France for the first time for vacation (with a major reason being to see Versailles in person) and naturally my gay ass needed an appropriate outfit fit for a King (or Queen, I’m definitely a Queen on…
I really enjoyed the comment about the waffle recipes.
without resorting to gendered slurs
Unpopular opinion: being shitty to a shitty person is still shitty, and calling a woman a cunt, while not as bad as calling an African American an ape, is still pretty fucking shitty. I think we can tear down Ivanka without resorting to gendered slurs and contributing to the general level of vitriol and disrespect in…
Additional note: the only election in San Diego County is the Measure A one in Poway. If you’re in San Diego County but not in Poway, you’re good.
Context matters - it’s not like Collins randomly commented on his looks, it was her response to him challenging her to a duel. If a male Congressperson was threatened with violence by a fellow Representative and he responded by mocking her appearance, there wouldn’t be a huge rush to defend her - everyone would be too…
This is what frustrates me. On the one hand we demand excellence from our opponent, on the other we celebrate fat shaming and looks based judgement when applied to our opponent. It’s a crappy way to live.
I was a 28 weeker back in the 80s when babies that premature rarely survived and even more rarely survived without lifelong difficulties. My parents were told to expect the worst. I had some health issues as a kid, but today, I am the holder of two bachelors and a masters degree, work in a field I love, have travelled…
I gave birth last Saturday, when I was only 25 weeks along, because my high blood pressure turned into preeclampsia and then HELLP syndrome in a matter of days. Original plan was to keep me at the hospital for as many weeks as possible before delivery, but my labs turned bad and then worse and doctors think I would…
Gaze fixed on hair....and one of them asked me if that was “how the teenagers are doing it now”
Eggs or go home bitches. And memo to the Reese’s conglomerate: ditch those nasty Christmas trees. The peanut butter to chocolate ration is wrong, like a dog peed on the tree wrong.
Chris Evans wouldn’t be allowed to return to Massachusetts if he spoke out against Brady. His uncle would probably be voted out of office if Chris went on the record against Tom Brady.
The epsiode I will never forget was the one where they were told the homeowner detested the color brown. They did everything in brown, and she sobbed hysterically when she saw it.
I actually was recently shushed at a restaurant by a waiter whilst passionately defending JG from a friend who dared to utter the phrase: “he was gross like John Goodman”.
Going to have to disagree with the snark here. I’m very, very happy to see a female-led beauty startup achieve the crazy levels of funding and success that they have. So many of the power-players in this industry are men giving their best approximation of “what women want” (which for so long appeared to be heavily…