It wasn’t a toy, dumbass.
Blacks aren’t known worldwide for their intelligence.
Stupid cuck
Stupid naive dumbshit
Why do blacks commit such a gigantically disproportionate shitload of rapes?
One less worthless piece of shit
No it doesn’t because it’s a really fucking stupid comment that only white-guilt libtards like you would think is meaningful. Brandishing is illegal and doesn’t equal open carry and even if it did the dumbass dead scumbag was still too young to open carry.
Brandishing is illegal and does not equal open carry you stupid dipshit libtard cuck.
One less worthless shit-stain! Awesome!!!!
Anything that Jezebel posts is white-guilt libtard cuck propaganda.
I’m not a Christian, you cuck, and you aren’t either.
Your comment proves that you believe the refugees to be a punishment and not a benefit. Thanks!
Not a law, just some dumb shit that a naive libtard wrote.
Your white guilt makes you a stupid cuck.