I didn’t like it the first time around.
I didn’t like it the first time around.
Well I got news for you buddy...
Cause fuck you, that’s why.
Still waiting, hours later. Thanks.
I like any joke that starts with a lackey running in panting.
Worst of it? That sounds like the best possible outcome.
Empirically false.
Or ever?
Trump voters and JRPG enthusiast venn diagram please, thanks.
Ummmm, I think a game of ‘over the line’ is a lot more fun to play than actual baseball.
DeSean Jackson added value to the team. That’s the best I got.
You on the first order and me on the 2nd for going to great lengths to get a rise out of you.
YouWishIWentAway again at home, let me clear some of pizza boxes off my keyboard:
Every day a resentful nerd tries to take sportsball down a peg apropos of their own seething insecurity is a joyus day in my heart.
With CS:GO you’re basically watching tactical ops scenarios over and over. There is pace to those favored by the game parameters that remain fairly static. With Overwatch you’re being thrown into a paint shaker.
Shut up resentful nerd.
Well you’re pretty fucking unhelpful then, aren’t you.
Stop being friends with them and tell them why.