
What do you get out of it though? That’s the weird part for me.

Not decent men. I’d be horrified if any of my male friends said anything remotely like this.

It’ll cause some people to not vote for him which is good enough.

It’s precisely why it won’t work. Everyone knows about it already and it’s old hat.

You’ll never understand why you lost.

@6. That’s the kind of intimacy that sustains a marriage.

Nope, deets, now.

I think addressing the notebook as one would address a dog is a red flag all in itself.

I hate 2016! A time when you can’t tell if something is from Always Sunny or someone’s honest opinion.

You don’t really think that’s an apt comparison.

It’s man babies deprived of optimal experience fuming on the internet who cry censorship, most of who use pejoratives to describe ‘progressives’

But because they were first to market and did it better they now rule the roost.

Even though the dichotomy isn’t this stark - you either pay for quality assurance or you get crap.

Getting kicked in the balls isn’t funny. Someone else? Hell fucking yeah. That’s a ball kicking I avoided.

I have the feeling a lot of self interested parties don’t want to be held accountable for whatever failings the players in their stead have. Pass the buck to college coaches who have their own meta game to consider.

Civil discussion where you called a woman ‘sleazy’ apropos of nothing.

You weren’t fully informed and based your opinion on a short gif. GTFO.

I thought the detention center was the house and I thought “those poor kids.”

I got it.
