Nah, if I didn’t love a person their parent dying would be the last thing I wanted to be around.
Nah, if I didn’t love a person their parent dying would be the last thing I wanted to be around.
Cause baseball players are the lowest form of sports entertainer.
The artists in Barcelona have the good sense to only go after the doors that are modern and often times are garages. American taggers seemingly get off on defacing property. It’s bizarre.
My nickname was “n**** lips” on the football me, it wasn’t a white kid who came up with that one. On the other hand I wasn’t really bullied by the kids who came up with it, au contraire it was the white ones that gave me the most shit.
You mean “Team Eats Cat Poop”
Your blind spot could be reasonably related to the idea that being a black male in NYC is somehow that much more unsafe.
In what? Pissing off Jez writers? Arousing white supremacists? Testing the limits of inanity?
As much as I love sports, fuck sports fans.
Cops more loyal to college football than human decency. Fucking police across America doing their best to undermine the respect and authority they think they deserve.
Beautiful game my ass.
So many hot showers needed.
I know what he was going for but it just failed. I call shotgun on this midnight ride to Temecula.
No friends, no problem
Stop trying so hard whitey
Nah, I got the help I needed from someone in this comment thread. Chide them for enabling me ;)
why do that when i can simply ask and someone will help me?
Explain the arrow reference.
Thats because sportswriting is like a thousand monkeys chained to type writers, and those monkeys are especially proud of their fecal matter and believe their station is fundamentally important to the world.