
I’d like to see the world where Dems just full stopped trying to win elections circa 1988 and went for pure ideology pleas and excluded everyone and anyone who didn’t measure up to their litmus test. It would be fascistnating.

Better tell the Greens that every time they trot out a lunatic and insult any left leaning person with that as the best option. 

While there is myriad truth in what you write, there’s also a particular problem that the Green party, more than any other fringe party is populated by complete lunatics, quacks and cranks.

Defeatist much?

Sing it!

It’s a big country with a lot of shitty parts that actually want those things. The Democratic party won’t be as lefty as we want so long as they play a fixed game that fucks over more highly populated areas. 

I get that desire for Democrats to tread boldly and share it but...

But these fucks would never lift a finger to keep troops out of harms way or actually, ya know, pay higher taxes to support the wounded. 

Hey Vets, go die in an unwinnable war that will never end. I support you by standing for the anthem. And that’s all I’ll do. 

List ‘em. Should be good for a laugh. I’ll give Michigan this though - at least it isn’t Ohio which is just one large Cracker Barrel with nothing good.

Okay Paula.

Nothing shows gratitude to our troops like sending them off to die in a war that will not ever end and can’t be won. 

Same. Once you get in good with the crows they love ya. And then the scrub jays take a hint and holy hell breaks loose. 


Some folks know how to jump through hoops but are dumb as rocks. Other folks are intelligent as hell but couldn’t jump through a hoop a mile wide.

Oh, so they’re in the business of diplomacy now?

I should hope that the consequences are not blood on the ice but cops are little bitches about how important they are so...

As with most things, the context probably matters. On the one hand, what purpose could a rape scene possibly serve? On the other hand, should Old Yeller even have been made?

Man, you really beat that strawdog to death.