
But its something a fair share of folks can relate to and have experienced. Perhaps in this gilded age the roughest childhood trauma that can be shown is getting rejected from half the Ivy’s?

Maybe it’s a good chance to parent and explain it? 

Sean Spicer, is that you?

How though? That answer begs more questions making it a non answer. BB can be articulate and thorough when he wants to be making this less than satisfactory.

Antifa is the biggest canard ever. They don’t even actually do anything. 

My wife helps me with half my comments so stop projecting. 

Care to answer for yourself before you go asking questions in bad faith?

I’m tired of Elon fucking Musk and his dumb face using whatever talents and money he has for really niche bullshit. No more, no less. 

Why has it only really come to a head now? Come on. 

Call it sucking shit out of his ass if you’d like. 

The entirety of the South is already a 3rd world country.

Hard fail, try again.

It isn’t. I live in Seattle and grew up in the Bay Area. Fans are apathetic when they’re losers and bananas when they’re winners. Fair weather, sure, but at least they have some dignity. 

You spent a lot of time trying hard to be pithy. And it failed. 

I-talian places named “Pizza Barn” in Ohio. 

There is causality and agency you pretend neither exists. 

of course its mercedes. of course.

are they all this tacky?

Projection on your part. It’s really pathetic. 

Okay rape apologist