
I’d love to see this play with commentary by Richard Attenborough:

Who in their right mind takes this job anymore. If Snyder doesn’t change the GM as well, you would have to be very desperate to be a head coach. Oh yeah! Gregg Williams, thats who.

The Pence character talked about going to see the Judy Garland movie. Being a “friend of Judy” has been a euphemism for being gay for more than 50 years.

Is it time for Lorne to retire and Kenan to take over as showrunner? Not yet, but that’s more with wanting to get the All That revival on a solid footing before moving into the driver’s seat of SNL.

I find myself thinking that President Trump is not merely one of the worst people his generation produced, but the embodiment of the collective id of that generation. Thin-skinned, venal, looking for someone else to blame and so very, very scared of changes.

I wonder how they are going to fit Gardner Minshew II jokes in the final season of The Good Place.

It’ll be a fucking tie.

That would be lovely!

I swear to fucking God if the Steelers go 0-16 with Roethlisburger out and the Dolphins win a game in December that they have no business winning, I’m going to lose my goddamned mind.

The way he wrote Cujo made it almost unreadable. Every other chapter was about a cereal company and I can't even remember how it related to the rabid dog. I really do think he gets paid by the word.

Way back when, King was able totally to call the shots with his then-publisher (who might be his still-publisher, but I’m not sure). And his favorite callable shot was “If you touch a single word in this manuscript, I’m leaving you.” Hence the books that could house a family of ten.

Have you seen the book though? It's like a hundred thousand pages long. I read it in paperback and it was (almost) thicker than it was tall

At this point, even Steve Rable has overstayed his welcome.

hm. This seems like a concept that was dreamed up 15-20 years ago.

“No.”—The Ghost of Huey Long

Not pictured: The bit at the end when Gervais pulls the mask off of “God” and reveals that there was nobody underneath, then delivers a 5 minute monologue to the Mystery Inc. gang about “Religion is barmy”

Maybe the mystery they’re going to solve is figuring out how that clip was supposed to make me interested enough to watch more of it.

For parties with lots of MDMA, yes.

Yeah. I still remember hearing for the first time that Anakin was going to be a kid in the first movie and I was shocked. I still had unwavering faith in Lucas so I thought it would be OK, but I wrong. As someone who grew up with the original trilogy and had waited my whole childhood and teenage years for these