Something something...
Something something...
1. New dad loves mayo.
I took the a version of the MSF course two or three years ago and picked up a 2012 Suzuki V-Strom 650 about a year and a half ago. It’s been great fun!
A little of A and a teeny bit of B?
I wondered that as well. Mk I is the sexier body for sure.
Panamera sedan...YUCK!
Hell, if the fanny pack is making a comeback, anything can!
They played it on KNBR the other day too.
I think one can only claim “native” if they were born there.
Giants/Niners fan as well, but spent many afternoons in the Coliseum outfield pre-Mt. Davis. The stadium was awesome before they returned. Mt. Davis destroyed that stadium. The view of the sunset-dappled hills was amazing. When I was growing up they were the L.A. Raiders. Fuck that noise!
Great airport, just make sure you have enough time to get wherever you need to go.
Hey now, that lawnmower can actually cut grass. The “Camry” can’t haul five geriatrics to Bingo.
Nope. Not even close. Great name and great peeps, but Steph and Klay have faaaaar surpassed Run TMC in terms of what they’ve given to Warriors fans.
This...all day long. Born and raised in Oakland. Never even dreamed of success like this for the Warriors. Claiming the bay if you’ve been here less than a decade seems like a big stretch. Hell, 20 years might not even be enough. I’ve lived in my current town for almost 12 years and the locals will likely never let…
Pork loins?
Well, my bad. That must be an enormous PITA. The driving part not so much, just the moving of kids in and out.
Unless you live in CA and are required to have AWD and “snow tires” to get past the checkpoint on your way to Tahoe. I will never put chains on a vehicle again so we went AWD Sienna. So much fun in the snow with good tires and traction and stability control off!
I walk my son to school every day.