
wow that was super summation of Neal's relatiohships so far!
and you said it "his passion/obsession/grief for Kate were truly compelling and gave Neal soul." I think that's the single most characteristic that makes Neal so unique imo.

your comment made me curious enough to go to Wiki… and omg does this sound awesome or what! How is it possible that Mozzie the conspiracy theorist didn't catch on this!
okay….Off to do more "research"….

You know Dogpoet, I totally noticed that! Infact, there were a few other scenes where I thought Matt seemed like kinda laughing with Neal. Just to name a few - the scene where he says to Peter "are you inebriated?" and the one with Peter, Katya, and Neal at the end where Matt laughs and says "you have no idea what

"I really do think you can tell when the actors feel good about the script."
I agree with that 100%. I know for sure Matt is feeling good about the script!

Neal was born with a inbuilt freshner! How can he not?

I absolutely disagree. Neal has the ability to care, not only about the women, but other people in his life as well. That's the one thing about him that makes us love him despite his dark side. The only person he truly lost is Kate. Alex left of her own accord and Sara and him kind of broke it off acknowledging their

i think they are setting the Burkes up towards their move to DC, which imo is going be just like Peter's promotion. It mattered for an ep or two and now he's back to his old ways.

good point about Peter the athlete and Neal the artist! i wish we saw more of Neal the artist though. I would love for him to paint Rebecca assuming their relatiohship gets real!

Agree..the set up is obvious, no subtlety there. Don't get the point. The show was never about the Burkes' marital issues. I thought that was one thing WC got perfect - Peter dealing with his other complicated relatiohship, Neal, and never having to worry about El.

That was a classic WC episode. A perfect ensemble piece except El's sudden bout of jealousy and worry? Did she just learn that her husband is in the FBI? Sure the concern isn't all invalid but do I really want it to be played out as a soap opera? think not! I prefer the rock Solid El and Burkes…don't care for realism

How would "we know" what Matt Bomer would enjoy or not? Anyway, that's not my concern, I was talking about Neal Caffrey who I know would thoroughly enjoy and heat up a scene like that..

LOL! Me too! Makes this one look pretty good in comparison. atleast there was no Sara to ruin it further. And yes, Neal looking dreamy in the butler suit may warrant a few rewatches (albeit with FF)

Not hard to isolate the cells under a microscope.

My bib gets most of it!

I love that kind of absurd though. That was one epic scene! Ah the good old fashined WC…nostalgia…..

See but that's the reason I loved it. It was ridiculously, hilariously, shamelessly fluffy, without any aplogies. How awesome was the scene with Neal as George W and Jones as Thomas J descendent, or Moz's ridiculous puppet show. It seemed like the actors were having a ball with an inside joke and we as audience were

I meant the DNA from the saliva

correct me if I'm wrong but can't you get DNA from a used dinner plate/fork/spoon/bowl?

In general, I think she looks more beautiful in movement, than still pictures.

It's a shame that they have one the sexiest actors of today as their main lead and instead they give us Peter in a make out scene! Heck, I'd have loved see him check out "how french that maid really is(was)"!
ETA: My post came out wrong. I didn't mean to imply that Peter isn't sexy. He sure is but c'mon it's not fair