
Yes, totally loved the Ripley mention. Matt Bomer has said that he would love to play the role of Mr. Ripley. He is "talented" for sure and with those eyes he would totally rock it!

Yes, dogpoet I instatnly though of Gattaca when he extracted the blood with the syringe. Too bad Neal never saw the movie it seems:(


I kinda liked the honeybee bit because first it had Neal's line of hiding the contraband reminding me that I am indeed watching s5 plus it had Moz's hilarious line "for once I'm not the only one in the room with a buzz"..lol.
As to June, she better come back soon if she wants to save her balcony!

That too. But I really don't mind a filler episode if it has a good white collar case and hilarious moments, which this one didn't. I think one ridiculously fluffy but really funny episode for me would be the one with the lost american flag (Identity Crisis?) in season 4. Heck, even Neighborhood watch with Joe

Gosh! What a "meh" episode. It's was like sudden time travel episode where everyone was transported back in time. Other than how hot Neal looked in the butler garb and El was pretty and adorable, there was nothing home to write about. I didn't enjoy seeing Peter sick, the whole scene in the conference room where he is

Neal has needed therapy since Kate's death!

that wouldn't just be dark , that would be character assasination!

Hmm! I didn't see any prob with it. When was Peter above "using" whatever resources he has at his disposal, anyway? Plus, this is about an agents death. Bigger Q for me is what reason does Peter have to suspect Neal knows about Siegel's death? To his credit he atleast did try to give Neal privacy from El.

Nooooo, my Moz's not a killer!

ITA. it almost seems like he was mad at Neal because he wants to be in on Neal's con's and not because Neal cons..lol.

Kenny, I loved your review and I'm always amazed how witty and pointed it is considering you churn it out within a few mins of the show.
I loved Neal/psychiatrist scenes, they were electric. The actress did a great job. Best line "you're too interesting to be normal".

I think Seigel's backstory of turning against his family and friends and disowning them might have something to do with his murder. They quickly establised that he didn't have any dearth of enemies. It'll also mean Neal need not carry that guilt any more. My guess is it's the codex and it's chapter 13 that will make

I totally agree with you on that one. I don't care too much for the Neal/Peter bromance thing. Siegel should have stayed. He seemed to have so much to offer to the story and so does Jones. For me that story is first and foremost about Neal and all the other characters are to tell that story.
But I wonder if the overall

My guess is the next 10 episodes will be about that. Neal is definitely at a tipping point. Curious to see which way he will go. I'm hoping he'll do something totally undpredictable that none of us have guessed yet.

I thought the charges were dropped not because of the recording but because Hagen bribed the prosecutor. Also it's no coincidence that Hagen asked Neal to forge his dad's voice. He obviously wanted to get Neal involved deeper in this s***

She is absolutely beautiful and has that likeable/vulnerable quality. I've heard of her being touted to be the next wonder woman for the Justice League.

I sort of miss it too and keep going back to season 1.
But I'm really enjoying seeing more of Neal's inner self. So far they seem to be doing a good job of it as opposed to the haphazard "corrupt dad" arc of S4.

I agree with you about the busy episode and also about the Codex didn't get enough "romanticized". Hopefully it'll come back again (ala the music box?). And yes, what's "Elizabeth's role at this point?" lol

ITAWY about the friendship part. I have never really bought it and it was getting a bit ridiculous when in S3 they were getting too chummy or in Shoot the Moon he was dogsitting for Peter. I've always seen Peter as being kind of in awe of Neal, a bit too invested in Neal which could be interpreted in many ways. Neal