E3 now: I’m really excited to play some of these games... in a year or two.
E3 now: I’m really excited to play some of these games... in a year or two.
It’s not like anything in the trailer would have made sense even if it had been leaked.
This whole Norman Reedus thing is a ruse. Death Stranding will be a stealth game starring Hideo Kojima, where you must infiltrate E3 to announce Death Stranding.
E3 Before internet boom: Wow so many new games in progress
E3 now: Meh already saw this 2 months ago
Nice. It also neatly shows off one of my least favorite things with trying to snap awesome pictures in Japan - it’s really hard to get one without a bunch of random dudes in the picture. That’s obviously part of the challenge/charm, but it’s still annoying.
Texas is like someone melted 12 floridas together in a microwave
heres a suggestion if you decide to read the comments of the video on youtube. report hate comments. simple. its easy, takes a few seconds and the comment gets taken down instantly until reviewed. if reviewed negatively, the posted account receives some sort of consequence im sure as hate speech goes against their…
Hold on a second. Am I the only one who’s more concerned that the Texas A&M police took the time to tweet the word Pokemon correctly with the fruity é with the little hat? I mean, who bothers to do that?
I tried to join Team Mystic but ended up on Team Disconnect
Clearly, he knows the best Pokemon GO team.
“Meanwhile in the rest of the world.” Or only 3 countries in the world.
I guess we should be happy it was a slow release, imagine how bad the servers would be if everyone got it at the same time? The servers would be down 24/7.
I think he was just poking fun at the 140 character limit on Twitter, which makes difficult to finish a full, deep thought on a serious matter...
I was called “oven” by my friends after my kids were born, because that was the extent of my contribution. I feel ya.
I think he might've been joking?
Reese and her daughter look gorgeous and make me jealous that none of my kids resemble me in the slightest.
So confused by Reese’s tweet! My brain could not compute that it was two different people. It wanted to believe it was two side by side images of Young Reese and Slightly Less Young Reese.
Woo! My wallet dodged a bullet here, if we are looking at the silver lining.
Two things.
These are fan creations, not Disney planned or created items. But goes to show how realistic they look when it fools people, right?