
and what’s even more fucking ridiculous is Equislacks won’t even be affected by this. No jail time for execs, no drop in share price, nothing. They’ll still be one of the goto companies for getting a made up number that can rule your life..

Fucking Ridiculous.

It’s awesomely done. Much like Annie, this cosplay leaves you on the ground awestruck and speechless.

But Fahey, Taco Bell released Naked Chicken Chips today.

I’m proud of you, but if this becomes SmoothieTaku, I’m outta here!

That makes more sense. I had been just chalking it up to something I was just going to have to suspend my disbelief for for the sake of the story.

They don’t explain it in the series but Yuuri and Viktor speak English to each other and Yuuri’s family knows a bit of English from running an inn. Also during the international competitions the main group of skaters that interact are speaking English to each other, which often happens in real international

I.....I.....love you.

Dude, gorira looks even more gorira than gorira. :P

I DESPERATELY want this movie to be good.

A live-action movie on the Benizakura Arc. I hope it gets a release outside of Japan, that was a great story.

Elizabeth-san looks well cast.

She has a name you pig!

A study by Sakura Blog revealed that Yuri!!! on Ice used more key animators than any other anime series during the season of Fall 2016, at an average of 48.5 key animators per episode, five more than Flip Flappers which had the second highest use of key animators.

Interestingly enough, “Beautiful men doing beautiful skating on the ice from a beautiful anime about beautiful men skating on ice” was the alternate title for this post.

Did I come in here to see beautiful men doing beautiful skating on the ice from a beautiful anime about beautiful men skating on ice.

“Cosplay”? Have we ever seen the two of them in the same room?