
Just floating around society...as a rapist and enjoying his freedom. #fuckingwhiteprivilege

even if they find he violated probation it isn’t like they will throw him in jail for 10 years. probably get another slap on the wrist.

Totally. I’m fairly confident that if you went to Labrie before his trial and asked him if he thought rape was wrong, he would have said it was. I’m also fairly confident that Labrie had no idea that his actions could be considered rape and that he was shocked and bewildered by the fact that he was on trial. He

yeah, they probably don’t even know who he is. He just bumped into them or something.

Bostonians have a natural propensity for punching strangers in the face, so it's probably not an exaggeration.

Someone needs to GIF Supergirl’s “aww did I make you cry” scene for posts like this. Aww is your life torn apart because of your own shitty actions... good!

yeah, here he def looks like a rapey frat douche, in the newer pictures he looks like head of the AV club. Ugh.

Putting this here for now. I couldn’t believe how calculated the makeover was.

Oh here it is. It’s amazing how much they changed him.

This fucking asshole for sure sees himself as a victim. How can this be the world we live in?

I read some of the linked articles and the victim repeatedly referenced being afraid of offending him and of causing a fuss. That resonated with me HARD, and judging by the comments on those articles, I’m not alone.


And cue the random trolls that will jump all over anyone that accurately describes this rapist as a rapist.....

We already know he thinks he’s above rules. The only thing I’m surprised about is him having a girlfriend.

No one escapes the fine print

He talked about emotional “ups and downs” and having his life “torn apart” in the media.

My brother has been a groomsman in, no joke, like twenty weddings. At least. I don't know how he is still sane. I do know he is at least 18 times more popular than I am.

Remind me, have you gotten married yet? I miss I Thee Dread!!! I want to know how everyone’s big days turned out!

Augh the “head table” can be SO awkward. I remember sitting at a head table as a bridesmaid wearing my ugly dress watching my fiance sitting at the “single people” table while the bride’s drunk friend was basically pawing at him.

THEY HAVE PLUS SIZES Y’ALL! I’m not getting married but I love having as many options as I can possibly get AND I love looking at dresses.

Yes! When I was looking for my dress, I hearted so many white dresses with SLEEVES on Modcloth. Ended up getting one from BHLDN (with SLEEVES).