
What really got me about that line is that I feel like women get SO much more criticism for just wanting the things they want. If a woman doesn’t want to have kids, she’s selfish. If a man doesn’t want kids, he’s not ready. If a woman doesn’t like anyone she’s dating, she’s too picky (or if you don’t like who she’s

I’m already alone.

Yes! And this honestly crosses every cultural line. When women, POC, or LGBT ask for the same stuff straight cis white men already have, we get told we’re selfish, entitled, free-loaders, asking too much, lazy, etc etc... We get told we don’t work hard enough, except we do. It’s just that certain things are always

Do those people think that once a woman turns 30, she immediately dissolves into the crypt keeper? Why is 29 the age that the pearl-clutchers deem the beginning of spinsterhood? Like, that’s when a lot of people are finishing up graduate school, finally settling into their careers, or realizing that the economy sucks

My cousin and his girlfriend are just about to graduate college — and they just broke up (after being together most of high school and all of college).

Women are not going to start claiming too much. Women are just getting closer to claiming something closer to their share. What looks like overreach is simply reach.

I work at a college and it’s interesting to watch the students as they approach graduation (and just following graduation). They want so badly to feel like “grown-ups” and in this economy there are so few jobs, housing is so expensive. Marriage is the last easily attainable symbol of becoming an adult. I think that’s

“I’ve been afraid of the way marriage often stands for the point at which your life closes in, rather than looks outwards.”

Uh, did you actually watch Good Hair?

I love thinly disguised condescension and the veiled remarks to race, such as:

There are two jokes:

Your tween kind of sounds awesome.

My GF is assassin American and when people ask where she’s from I tell them the stereotypes are acurate. She absolutely WILL cut you and light fire to your house, being from Detroit and all.

Bet she can’t wait to tell white guys where she’s *really* from in a few years.

And he got so mad too!!! So mad that the other boy was maybe standing where he was supposed to stand.

awww :( first of all 8 year old aren’t almost tweens they’re kids!!! I’m imagining my sister at 8 and it breaks my heart because she’s just a little innocent kid who likely doesn’t even understand stereotypes or biases fully yet and then she’s the butt of a joke? makes my heart break a little.

I wish one of the kids had grabbed the mic from Chris Rock and asked the audience, “why are you laughing at us?"

Rock needs to meet my Chinese tween - all 4'5" of emo scorn and wrath. She loves to tell people she hates math.

It seems weird and for some reason I get pissed when I see others have such a lovely reception of this type of thing. I am what-jealous? I am angry. I don’t know. This shit is ugly in real life and all the women in my young life failed me when I needed them. I had no supporters and I was a villian-no a victim.

I get it. And I’m so sorry. I was also sexually abused as a small child (I can’t remember when it started, but I was 3 or 4). I was also raped a couple times in my early 20s. My mother’s response was “we’ll never speak of this again.” Another relative told me I needed to pray and repent and then I would feel better.