In the Jewish canon, the devil is an appointed position created by G-d, both to serve as his own adversary, as well as to challenge humans. He’s literally just doing the job he was given.
In the Jewish canon, the devil is an appointed position created by G-d, both to serve as his own adversary, as well as to challenge humans. He’s literally just doing the job he was given.
Oh, these women have the slightest idea of how temptation works??? YOU HAVE TO MAKE SIN LOOK FUN AND COOL AND BONER-IFFIC or nobody will sin! This has been worked out already!
Have the One Million Moms considered sending their kids to bed before 9:00 at night, or at least checking what the hell they have on television? This isn’t exactly the kind of show that you can glance at and think is child-friendly.
I demand that those 40 moms cancel their cable and leave the rest of us alone.
Not all of us moms are reactionary poopooheads. But we can multitask like bosses.
They probably had some free time after they got finished flipping over metaphorical tables at LandsEnd and Gloria Steinem.
Seriously, have these idiots even opened a bible before?
... makes the Dark Lord look like a “likable guy” who’s “cool and irresistible to women.”
They’ve just outed themselves as really, really, really wanting to fuck Satan. Like, wanting it so badly that this show must be destroyed.
Or pedophilia
Multitasking. They’re moms ffs.
Excellent point. He is the “seducer” right?
Where do one million moms stand on Daredevil?
Their protest is having the opposite effect on me
Pantied Loons.
I think they're missing the point. Next they're gonna petition Game of Thrones for making incest so hot.
If the devil really looks like that, sign me up for hell.
Never saw the show (the commercials just made it look incredibly boring-like a James Bond type character without the spy stuff), but what they’re arguing against is the actual Biblical representation of the devil. The devil is about temptation. He gets his kicks by making you want the sexy stuff: drugs, immodesty,…
Didn’t take them long to forget about Lands’End did it?
Don’t these 15 people with a facebook account have something better to do?