
That’s why Meryl Streep’s ‘I had no idea’ statement gave me pause. I know that there is a massive, horrible power imbalance in the industry. But I’ve heard it, you’ve heard it, and Rose McGowan and Asia Argento (among others) have been saying it loudly for years.

Look, sometimes we all need to do that. There’s no shame in needing a break, and with the current news cycle and constant gaslighting from the Trump administration (not even thinking about the entire world, but urgh the US right now feels like it’s the meme of the dog in the house on fire...)... I think it’s very fair

Damn, are they incapable of not making everything about them? Jesus. The solution is not to stop interacting with your female colleagues, the solution is simply to KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL. DON’T HARASS, DON’T ASSAULT. Why is that so fucking hard to understand? AAAAARRRGH, I’m having a rage stroke.

You know what you call a woman harassed at work who didn’t report it? EMPLOYED.

Just like the scared college bros who are afraid to talk to girls because they could be labelled rapists! Men are the true victims here.

Men like Weinstein hoard their power like a gross dragon hoarding its gold. They don’t act this outrageous all the time because that’s the fastest way to dissipate that power, nor do they “allow” anybody but their chosen cadre of toadies to see the full extent of their disgusting personal ethics.

It’s easy to be principled once you’re retiring.

You know what gives me *concern*, Bob? The likelihood of cat vomit in my shoe.

Eh, talk is cheap. Corker is retiring, he can afford to be honest. I’ll give Republicans credit for having a backbone when they actually start to vote against the shit Drumpf is doing- *while simultaneously trying to hold onto their seat.

*I see you, John McCain- cancer does not a hero make.

He has dirt on a majority of the GOP, it’s pretty obvious. He had nothing on Corker so he’s trying to make up lies about him. Whenever Ryan or McConnell say something negative, Trump insults them and they back down. It’s definitely a sign that he’s got info on them they want to keep secret.

The only explanation I can come up with for them protecting him is that they are all corrupt as fuck and somebody has them by the shorthairs. Or the simpler explanation, they’re just greedy dumbasses.

I honestly can’t believe it’s gone on this long. Where are the patriots in DC defending our freedom, our right not be ruled by a petty maniac who can’t remember where he left the launch codes?

 So at what point are they going to 25th Amendment him?! Fuuuuuu-

I’m over-saturated by it all and depressed. It’s hard to take care of myself. I need comedy, brightness and happiness. Just a little.

I have a hug if you want it.

I think having me as an executive assistant has really opened his eyes (I’m gay, gender nonconforming, a feminist and outspoken about it all). (Example, he told me he was uncomfortable that Dr Who was a woman, and I told him that if aliens with two hearts that regenerate into entirely new people doesn’t phase him but

I was at the airport bar a couple weeks ago when a young woman realized she left her wallet in the car. She left ALL HER THINGS at the bar (it was in Iowa) and ran to her car to retrieve it. A handful of men were there and they were all trying to figure out how she got to the airport bar without it.

Every day the news is terrible and I worry that I’m going to die of nuclear war.