Don’t give them ideas!
Don’t give them ideas!
Why do people feel the need to comment on or deride people/things/attitudes that we don’t agree with?
Leah Remini is a goddamn hero and her show was absolutely riveting - far closer to a documentary than anything “reality-ish”.
THAT’S NOT A RAT IN THE PHOTO, THOUGH, OMG!!! I AM MAD ON THE INTERNET!!!! (Think it’s a prairie dog?) (Judges?)
Also impressive: that the apology was actually worse than the original statement (which was bad enough).
I have no experience, but I would imagine anything tastes good when you’re high.
400 cats, wow, Beth Stern is just a few tax brackets away from a Hoarders episode. Kidding, 400 cats is amazing. I say that as someone who fosters cats and kittens, that shit gets expensive and labor intensive. Spay and neuter your cats, people, kitties are slutty and positively Duggarish on birth control.
“Dammit man what did I tell you about talking to him at 3:30! You have to keep it simple if you want him to sign off!”
Defriended a guy I’ve known since kindergarten for starting a Facebook message about Trump deploying the Mother of all Bombs with ‘Hillary Clinton....’
I still have a couple people on my Facebook calling her a warmonger. Like. Guys.
He couldn’t find Guam on a map of Guam.
Assuming nobody else gets involved when we start firing missiles.
See my icon? Doing that right now.
Nuff said, Kayyyy-leeeee. Say no mo’.
Certainly, even the most racist motherfuckers in the world can’t abide this kind of travesty, can they?
I swear to god he treats the entire presidency like its a summer job at his uncle’s store that he wasn’t actually planning on taking until Mom made him. He hasn’t staffed offices, he didn’t bother to book hotel rooms for major events, and announces “YUP WORKING HARD!” whenever he thinks someone might be looking.
How else would people know you’re working hard?
I always tweet that I’m working hard, while I’m working hard.