
A good meme can be lucrative. Look at Chewbacca Mom, Damn Daniel, and other examples of people who capitalized on the fame of an internet joke. In the case of Black Twitter et al, though, a lot of people forget to give credit / it’s rarer to see the key creators of culture actually see the benefit of being so damn

As Nitpicker_Yellow said, I think the problem is less with remakes than the fact that certain companies (*coughSqueenixcough*) will tease, talk about--and sometimes deny rumors they’ve leaked themselves—of said remakes for years on end, whilst feeding their fanbase a steady trickle of tertiary merchandise (Advent

No one alive today has ever been a slave or owned a slave in America. Everyone has equal rights by law regardless of their race. Quoting history is a moot point as white people have also been slaves if you go back far enough in history. All of which is completely meaningless as there is still no justifiable reason to

I fucking love your name.

SJW cancer culture didn’t reach a boiling point until 2015-2016.

Man, the author of this article is doing nothing but further racial tensions by slinging mud and massively generalizing an entire group of people.

Pretty sure you mean to take away from this.

Worked for Gamestop for 3 years as a store manager. I was fired for paying my employees out of pocket to help me out off the clock because corporate pulled all my hours during Christmas time so I was soloing a fucking store by myself. I doubt none of this.

Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.

I would think after releasing Cyber Sleuth, a Digimon game that made it very easy to get the mons you want and go around kicking butt with them that Bamco wouldn’t then go the opposite side of the scale and force folks who want select ‘mons to grind, read FAQ’s and have to struggle for them. That does -not- strike me

Sure there might have been legit technical reasons for them to go this route. But how much processor power does this really take?
I honestly believe it is mostly driven by Nintendo’s decision to penetrate the mobile market. Given that they were part of an apple conference means they’re experts... right?
Nintendo doesn’t

Exactly Nintendo being Nintendo. Meaning in half a year or so they will announce a controller or device to support voice chat without a phone. But it will cost a fuckton of money and will be sold out for months.

Additional you will be able to change the voice quality with special amiibos released around the same time.

I can’t wait until developers start getting nostalgic for Mega Man X.

Ridley has a human daughter?

I always feel guilty about using any default option

I like what both the internet and 3D printing has done for fans.

They should have made the two Smash games fight each for a spot instead, and let all the others fight for the 9th spot. IMO there shouldn’t be two almost completely similar versions of a game series in a tournament.

Man, you can’t let this go. You’re still wrong on eye placement. My kid was watching it the other day and thought of your post. Emotions come from the eyes. They need to be the central part of the face. You can’t feel the same immediate reaction to the car’s emotion if the eyes are in the lights. The windshield is a