
I love it! But man it also depresses me because the fans once again understand the material far better then the actual owners ever will.

Don’t worry the first wave of gamers will start to get old and die. Then you will see nothing but 16 bit and beyond.

I both love and hate this. As most private collectors keep the items well private. They will never be enjoyed by more then a few human eyes again. Kinda like all that artwork in that one warehouse overseas in boxes.

I’ll pass. Evo was interesting in the past and I liked when the idea was open to niche titles like Skullgirls. As it is often way too dominated by mainstream titles. That said with the history and the above. I don’t see outsiders like me caring anymore.

I tend to avoid all the human races in MMORPG’s and other games if I can. Due to the fact that sexism still plays such a massive role in the gaming industry. Often the female archetype wears revealing armor at the start or down the road. As well as being covered in over the top makeup despite the fact you are out

It is because the bad parts of Prime were requests by Nintendo. All to be followed up by Other M who was Sakamoto’s love child. A terrible nasty sexist game that tainted the whole story. Toss that into the fact they used that god awful high heeled model for Smash Brothers. It leans toward Nintendo being unwilling to

Great work but this honestly highlights why I hate that suit. Ever since it was made that is all a majority of the fan work ever is anymore.

Nah, I like the tech being Chozo and Samus only. Once everyone can use it the mystery is gone. That and every since Sakamoto introduced that damn skin tight garbage Zero Suit. The high heeled garbage is all anyone draws for art or often does anymore.

Both of you make me very sad. Samus used to be one of my favorite video game hero’s and series of games. Then along came Other M and Sakamoto getting full control. Now with the years of neglect I just feel sad and almost don’t want her to come back. Since Nintendo refuses to retcon stuff by its own people if she does

I’d argue that some do get run into the ground but it is those that stop evolving in a positive way. Penny Arcade long ago stopped challenging itself or just having clean fun. He uses it to try new things with his art but really that is it. A new body type colored in a different way with the same joke isn’t really

Honestly this is why I stopped reading years ago was the blog part. Sometimes it was a butt to pair it up or the giant wall of text was off putting. When you just wanted to have a laugh. So I took it off my favorites.

I think the real issue with the marketing machine was that most of it was bloat. They’d put large sums of money into areas that really didn’t deserve it or the net gain was small. Many of these areas also undermined the trust between the consumer and the company. The focus became more on just getting you to guy it and

Consoles have honestly lost much the appeal they used to have. Partly due to the above and because they have tried to be more like PCs. The appeal was always you just got to sit down and play without all the installing or patching. Yet now every game has major patches throughout its entire life even before you get it.

We are actually far more likely to be in a Brave New World then Orwell’s but honestly we are not far off from major problems. After all when presidents like Obama can sign things in that let the NSA share all the information they gathered without a warrant. All with the FBI, CIA and more. Yet nobody protested because

The fact lightening is on top shows how little they know. Sure it is the culture difference but I’m going to ignore that because even with that. Pretty much all of those characters up there are poorly written.

One can hope because having less seems like it would less damage or rather be less insulting then what they are showing us. Those games were on the WiiU or are old. It honest seems like they are incapable of courting anyone that matters.

This is just garbage because other characters even Pan at least look fit before transforming. Even Broly was a big guy before he transformed and went nuts. She is a stinking straw that looks like she has never worked out a day in her life.

As a cat owner the Gamercat really did hit home on both fronts... and the rest of the ones today about the Switch hurt. All because they are likely outcomes. :(

Oh.. no! He deleted a spelling error on a personal Twitter account! Clearly this is worth click baiting and blowing up! You know rather then actually covering something done on a POTUS account down the road.

Because nothing says breaking down stereotypes like a giant female and gamer stereotype. She is like us but in a mech! So lets ignore all that other stuff!