
Hey, some of us out there support the re-unification of Dakota - and by force, if necessary. Free and United Dakota!

Yeah, that's no fun at all. It's so hard to keep track of it all. Glad I don't have to - I just drive through every so often.

Yeah, I've never been able to figure that out. What is Campbell, or Evergreen, or Alum Rock? I think San Jose annexed them somehow, or maybe they are next to feed its appetite.

"Perhaps the most moronic argument in the history of sports talk radio." Wow - that 's some elite company! Kind of like trying to figure out who the drunkest Packers fan is.

Like many social conservatives, he advocates teleconfrenceus interuptus.

MMMMMmmmm - Grape Kool-Aid. Now I'm thirsty...

Okay, so you've been listening to him for ten years, or fifteen years, or however long you've been in the flock and drinking the kool-aid.

I'm pretty sure waspuppet passed 4th grade history long before Obama was president. I think the brainwashed one in this conversation has been listening to Limbaugh for 25 years.

The Founding Fathers would not have approved of Rush - George Washington warned of hyper-partisanship during his farewell address, and that Oxy-head Rush has fanned the flames of that perhaps more than anyone. Then again, George Washington and some of the other Founding Fathers had slaves, and Rush is racist, so

I didn't realize LeBron was coaching College Football!

San Francisco is an intersting city, in that it has a beautiful, clean, and sophisticated side, and then it has places like The Tenderloin and Hunter's Point. There's no in between. The fanbase reflects this - it is old-money or tech money hipsters on one side, and the gang bangers on the other.

I would call it Office Space with some good Indian restaurants.

San Francisco would be bigger, but owing to the Ocean and the Bay, they really don't have many adjacent communities or open land they can swallow up, as San Jose has.

Not really - in Oakland, we're proud to be "The Town."

Build the Transcontinental Railroad. Lose to Canada in the Gold Medal game.

The Detroit Tigers' home uniforms are the best, if you ask me. Oakland A's are a close second. In the NFL, Colts and Browns are classic and classy. Hockey, really dig Toronto. NBA, Sixers or Celtics.

I live in the Bay Area, just about equidistant from both Candlestick and the Colosseum, and I have been to both Niners and Raiders home games (although I am not a fan of either team,) and what Damon said in his email is absolutely true - games at both stadiums are equally terrifying. However, if at gunpoint I had to

Ahh - I see what you did there - or tried to do.

No, "AP's," as in the possessive.