
@Midnight was a repeat, right? I didn't see it marked as New on the Guide…

That September 11 segment mentioned sounded so appalling that I had to google it immediately. Never even crossed my mind that someone could have pulled a short like that, even in a relatively passingby anthology feature.

He did say that… but things can turn around, right? Right?!?!?!

They did mention him on that One Shot moons ago. With that mention, it means Abomination is considered a part of the MCU and maybe one day Hulk will get another standalone movie in where he can battle his old foe.

The classic Valkyrie uniform looks great, she sports it like a boss!

Hopefully he survives? I need a Warriors Three Netflix show.

Also, usually the best MCU villains happen to survive. If she slays, she stays.
See also: black haired, green wearing dude on this very trailer.

And Brainwashed Filmmaker Rip was also hilarious, being forced to comply with Merlyn and Dahrk's shenanigans.

"If I pardon my hands, will they become big?"

They have to end all of the Tatianas except one, probably the original Tatiana.

Battleship Potemkin or bust! Make them write a detailed synopsis afterwards.

I'm very open to people's preferences as long as they aren't too far off my tastes, so I don't subject dates to movies/music/tv… but I use Lonely Island and Monty Python to pick out friends, and so far it has paid off well!

It was a really fun show on the latter half. I liked the first half as well, though not as much, I've seen worse sitcoms.

He was everywhere on the ABC show and yet it never seemed as if he was overused. Pepe started feeling a bit repeated around the last episodes.

I read your entire comment and the only thing that lingered in my mind is… since when is Capaldi considered "unfanciable"? I'm totally out of fashion with what other people like, clearly.

I mentioned it above.There's a guy on the BBC One FB page who used this exact argument. In all fucking seriousness.

I'm still laughing at the totally-serious comment made on the BBC One FB page "Its Time Lord not Time Lady", but this one brings the cringe to the extreme. No wonder why Brexit happened.

I always forget the porn doubles one, not because Martin Freeman isn't great (I love him actually), but because it was cut from most airings in my country. But Marshall and the tourists got in every single time.