
Were you going to post StrideMother ads with it?

But the title is self explanatory! On tonight's episode, we break on the show's plot just to follow Ryan Philippe's vacation trip through the Rio Grande. You see, they were running short on scripts so they decided to fill in with a Very Shooty Special.

We have blackjack and hookers!

I only know vore out of the three and I'm definitely not proud I know that.

How about Kris Marshall?

Stevens would be an interesting choice, no doubt. I got hung up on the Jamie Bell idea after I read that he and Barbara Broccoli had met up, but he doesn't have the personality for the part.

Tom Hiddleston is pissing his pants in excitement at this.

I don't think Trump even knows what a printer is. He leaves all the science-y stuff to Barron.

I don't see the point of this question, or what does it bring to the AVClub community, unlike stillmeridith's thorough and researched posts. Put on some big boy boots and then you can come and ask dumbfuck questions!

I know the band won't read this but what the heck: hey Arcade Fire I really liked your new album.

Tomorrow's headline: "Lavalantula eats the President!"

I watch Ballers and yet I too don't see the reason of the episodes leak other than "this is all we got".
Even as a regular watcher, I saw the leak description and said "nah, I don't want to watch that much Ballers".

Peanut butter, jelly, and tater tots…

Yeah, I know you didn't have anything to do with that layout! I wrote for websites with worse designs than DailyUV and it was infuriating not being able to read your own stuff because of things popping up, popping down, or commands simply not responding.

Hey, it was a really fun read!!! Though that website layout, damn, why can't it be scrolled using the keyboard arrows?!?! Tried clicking outside to see if I could make the arrows work, and your article poofed away!
But, on your article, really good, I liked it!

I only entered this article to see if anyone had made a Popstar reference. Thank you for doing the Lord's work, KrakenNiz.

Pffff searching on official websites it's for noobs! I actively try to make the WOT channel Whistler-penned articles to be as half-assed as the AVClub WOT's and not do any kind of research.

OH GOSHDARNIT. *yells at TV Guide, yells at cloud*

I will always remember her as the voice of Rocky the Squirrel. I grew up with Rocky & Bullwinkle.