
At some point during the rewatch, I kept going back to the line because it's actually a thing said several times during S1 and S2. I clearly remember Molly saying it in S1 and Charlie on S2, and there have been other mentions. So I don't know if the line choice was on purpose, or it's just that it's a common thing to

The Fargo watching (and rewatching) with the mother continues. We finished S2 about a day ago, and we're now on S3E4. She ended up getting hooked on season two after initially being disappointed, but so far she says that 2 and 3 are not very good because they're predictable, unlike 1, where you couldn't imagine what

I honestly don't remember that Simpsons scene/reference. I feel like Steve Rogers now!

I watched Tron: Legacy if only for Michael Sheen, and ended up really liking the score and cinematography (plus Castor, duh). It's not a super bad movie, though it's utterly unenjoyable and forgettable!

But is he a music one-hit wonder? I remember Thirty Something Whatever also had hits with "The Kill" (y'know, the one with the shitty Shining ripoff video) and "Kings and Queens". Those bastards were everywhere a decade or some ago.

There aren't enough upvotes I can give you for this comment! Maurice is such a wonderful film, I'm disappointed by all the streaming services I've bumped into because it's absent from all of their catalogues :(

Wait, that Shame on the porn credits is an actual porn or the "see the Fasspenis on a big screen!" artsy Shame? I'm confused.

I have it for free here because I'm a DirectTV user and it's an "original" of theirs, yet I haven't been bothered to watch the last two seasons. It never felt like a "must watch now" show, which I guess played against it.

With SalimNotSalim as a neutral third party who just has to put up with those two.

You're an asshole, Dead Wife!

This comment needs a serving of Hormel bacon and a mention or two about PWR BTTM to fit the AVClub standards. Please adjust accordingly.

The AVClub writers possibly got pushed over by Frank and Charlie over at the water park and they're still reeling on it.

You should, it's a really good movie. Though, as Otakunomike said above, it goes a little long, but that's par for the course with most Korean flicks, so it didn't bug me, but could bug someone!

Elba's character is barely on the movie, the most interesting parts are when the crew is split on the planet and have to find each other on their own, the pairings are particularly interesting (they could have made Spock and Kirk hang out while poor Bones had to put up with Chekhov, but the switch was really fun as we

I love Possession. Such a weird, little ditty.

Beyond was a good movie. Too bad the other two minefields destroyed pretty much all chances for the franchise to be great.

*drools over #1, has to clean up keyboard*

I watched that silly remake way too many times and with way too different people. The mother once joined me to watch it and loved it as much as I do, so it's now a mostly yearly rewatch for us.
I tried to get her to watch other Coen movies, but she gave up halfway through O Brother and my attempts to lure her with

Is your Special Awkward Couples Edition telling me Raul Esparza is single? I mean, I'm asking for a friend…

My favorite part about that movie is the damn poster. John Cusack looking utterly disinterested and in "Winter in NYC" clothes, and Patric photoshopped so hard that he looks like a silly putty version of Ryan Reynolds. Willis is pictured as if he was being shown shiny keys off screen.