
Yes it is! :)

I read about that on somewhere. Lots of dye, especially black, will eventually fuck up his hair, he should talk to the makeup/hair department on the show to get a wig.
Tom Hiddleston faced the same problem when playing Loki and eventually decided to wear a wig, which clearly doesn't look natural in the Ragnarok images,

Josh Gad's overplayed career is making me super regret having said to myself "hopefully Rannells and Gad get lots of Hollywood work" after first listening/watching The Book of Mormon materials. The guy seems cool, but I just can't tolerate seeing him everywhere, much less hear his voice outside of making things up.

Mikey's been doing a pretty fine job, I vote for him to continue the streak! Also, for him to add some anagrams, I miss the episode titles being sneaky messaged rapscallions.

Wow, the character was a repeated representation of the Àsterix Gauls belief that the sky would fall on their heads. I hope the ER world had helicopter death insurance, for the Ramono family.

Yes, but having the Milady still pining for Athos after all the shit he had pulled on her, but all the sudden having a change of heart after meeting Sylvie was kind of a hint that the writers had no idea how to bring her back to the fold if she wasn't a representation of sexy chaos. If Treville hadn't died, I would

Jenna's Revenge?

We're all waiting for those after-season reviews, it's been around two years since I got sad by no more Blindspot recaps but happy at the promise of a season finale recap. Haha silly, gullible me.

Oh my goodness! I'm looking at pictures now and there he is, with blonde 90's highlights, right? Thanks for bringing this up, I love spotting actors in things I might have missed them before!

Totally agreeing and sharing the love for The Musketeers! Everett was a great addition, though I'm still not sure why the Milady kept being brought back when her storyline had already been milked dry on the previous seasons. Also, I find it funny that you think Ryan Gage is a dead ringer for Dave Grohl, for me he was

Accepted? The one with Justin Long? Are you shitting me, I mean, I watched that thing on cable way too many times to admit, and can't remember Robin for shit. I'm totally going to IMDB the movie, especially the promo pics now.

That's I'm Undying Up Here, Chandler.

Prediction: the characters will make stupid decisions, especially the elders. Also, will meet and welcome new idiots who will make piss poor decisions.

2# is probably going to stomp all over a small city because she isn't number one.
6# is a great Penguin and has A+ chemistry with everyone on Gotham.
10# is forever Iman (Imam?) from Pitch Black to me.
15# is not very popular these days, it seems. I like him, can't help it, sorry.
21# ♫ I wish it was Christmas todaaaaay

He'll meet the Great Palapa in the Sky!

They're gonna exhaust the living shit outta the kid. For what I've seen him on, he's a better supporting player than featured, so that's gonna be one hell of a hat trick to pull. Sony is desperate as fuck, and if Homecoming doesn't make the buckaroos they expect, say bye bye to Young Uncharted.

I laughed my ass off! To this day she asks me if "the little kid" is ok, so I enjoy spoiling her on the random magical stuff he does now, but she only cares about the fact that he's alive and walking. She has no time for warging and shit.

Your mom sounds like mine. She gave up on the first episode of Thrones because "they threw the little kid off the window, that's not nice". Didn't say anything about the incest preceding it, though.

I think the same way as you do, but once I won popcorn when buying my ticket to The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and I ate the whole bag without even realizing it. It might have been stress eating! Hopefully I didn't bug anyone with the crunch crunch noise.

Oh I loved it, so I was super focused and while on that concentration all the sudden a "Look they're playing checkers" would creep from the adjoining seat and break the spell. By the way, the characters were playing fucking chess.