
Now that you mention it, I think so! Good memory, I thought I had the first season still fresh in my mind. He looked exhausted in that truck, so I'm leaning towards the "he escaped" possibility, only by failing to flee the cops you get that look on your face!

I watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy next to two stoners who had absolutely no clue of why were they there, or what the fuck were they watching. It was funny at first, defeating at the end.

1. Had to read twice in order not to confuse him with the great Tom Hollander
2. :'(
9. Our legendary General Perón, though totally not Latin-American, nor even remotely similar to the actual guy. Good job, Evita.
13. Odo was one of my crushes growing up. Also, loved him as Dee's fed up drama teacher on Sunny.

Remember Varga has some weight issues (he appears to be a bulk eater/massive purger), so for him a little weight on the face means already that you need to be in The Biggest Loser.

Hopefully Officer Deputy ends up killing Yuria, as Grimly did with Malvo after initially getting too scared to stop the beast before the rampage.

Mr. Wrench was in the hospital after surviving the snow shootout that ended up with Malvo killing his bff/henchpartner Mr. Numbers, Molly told him they'd talk again and that was the end for Wrench's storyline.

What bugged me the most about the DJ Qualls thing is that we had never seen this guy before, we don't know if he was a member of Varga's team (which sounds odd, considering he's always seen with the henchmen duo) or a bribed copper (and wouldn't that be easy to single out, I mean, Qualls is a very not average looking

The cinematography looked spot on in that scene, it all looked like a Grinch made Christmas postcard!

The accountant Meemo scene is the only genuine scene I remember of the character, it has been written with so little motivation other than pushing the plot along, that he keeps getting lost in my mind. Yuria is more memorable just because he's a big scary russian dude, not because he's been written much better.

The air conditioner can be tied to Nikki via the fake ID she showed the landlord, I'm sure that was not the only use for that ID, and that there are records of whatever the fake name was with her picture besides it. Also, Gloria could visit the building, show the landlord a picture of Nikki and that's pretty much all

Molly promised that they would meet again sometime and I sure want that reunion to happen! Also, it would be pretty damn great if he was the key to find a kidnapped Nikki, getting his revenge on the next worst thing after his enemy, Malvo.

Oh, but he gave Whip a family! A family, dude! A family he didn't get to enjoy as Michael got him in the middle of a shootout and basically sent him to his very stupid death! The show couldn't even make the happy families visit Whip's grave at the end! At least someone will remember him: his sexual predator of a

Ah, so it's a Blindspot level bullshit tattoo. Crossover incoming, maybe?*

There might have been a lack of cracking sounds there on that death, my ears were still buzzing after Knepper's ridiculously overacted "DAVID!!!!!"'s. Really, those screams were so off that I thought the gang was faking the whole thing, until they actually showed they gave zero fucks about the guy's death, as usual

I mean, did Michael actually have the face tattoo before? I paid zero attention to his hands other than the palms this season, and it's also quite absurd to think that any tattoo artist will draw you in the exact same position of the dots you want without messing up a milimeter and, therefore, shitting all over

I want a reality show in where Sucre rates your sex doll business.
"That's a no for me, papi"

I have Black Pearl on VHS (yeah, laugh at still-owning VHS Whistler) because I had gotten so pumped by the movie, it was such a fun time in the cinema, that the second it came out on video I bought the living shit outta it.

Happy belated birthday, BFF3D! I'm happy to see you had a fun day!

Bill Nighy was covered in CGI tentacles and slayed with his Davy Jones. (not the Monkees one)

More like sleepwalked! Honestly, there was ripe potential for a Bardem Ham, and yet I didn't feel like Captain Salazar was even there, the guy looked as if he saw the money light and just walked to it.