
That Bad Behavior bit is a mini-soap opera! Also, now I feel really compelled to check the Coastal Disturbances performance to check on Tim Daly's ass.

Showtime should have waited for David Lynch to direct Lizzie Caplan flashing a gorilla. Then maybe it would have been a comprehensible scene.

I hope the L'Amant Double marketing campaign is Dowd's review here recreated in different formats because, damn, it totally sold me the movie.
I got to a point in the review where I found myself saying "yes ok this is for me don't make me wish to see it even more please"!

Hammerhead also works wonderfully!

The Green Gobbler

That's Matt Lucas, yessir, he was also the Tweedles on the new Alice movies.

Possibly in the cast: Doc Cock

I think we talked about you watching the movie, I meant it as a general warning!
Now, do you get haunted at least once a week with the mental image of Smith's poorly animated bratwurst nazi gremlins?

That's gonna be one sticky affair! Can't imagine the amount of webbing there's gonna be at the end of that double date.

I don't know how #1's last name is pronounced, but I always make the mental effort to pronounce the latter half of it as Frisbee.

1. Shakespeare
2. Don't watch Yoga Hosers
3. Aka. Chaucer from A Knight's Tale, the most glorious character in a half-assed movie ever

I'm 100% sure that the article was really written because the guy was against the fact that men were being forced to carry something they didn't want (and that its delivery could possibly kill them).

Better known as the "Milo Yiannopolous desperate salvage attempt".

So, a trashier Flowers in the Attic?

Happy Towel Day!
Don't forget to carry your towels, fellow AVClubbers.

"Heeeey, remember I was a total asshole to you? Turns out I'm not an actual asshole, I'm a creepster! Now leave my friend because I held some cue cards."

I don't get why is it branded Playboy yet no boys are allowed? How are the boys supposed to play then?

The realization that the Abruzzis grow faster than vampire children on the Twilight movies?

#1 recently had a sex scene on the new Alien movie. Now you know the why of the first spot.

So this means more Trump-related annoying GJI!s? Well isn't that awesome, let's go celebrate by that supposed sinkhole that in reality was a pothole at best.