
#4 is TOO LOW for John C. Reilly.

Welcome to the penultimate Prison Break Season 5 Random Observations/Semi-Recap!: 5x08, "The Progeny"

As much as I like Justin, I can't wait for his Spinal Tap drummer destiny so I can finally make a "Fuck Marry Kill" game with Liv's three deceased zombie ex-boyfriends.

FarmVille, in space, with murderous creatures! Now on Facebook

Even better, it won't need catering!

I like to think that it's not necessarily that they're David's creations, but more in the line of the 'morphs being extinct to some degree by the Engineers (of course, not completely, as with any virus ever), and David thinking he's the coolest shit by bringing them back to life and using the main genoma to create

Now he'll get to experiment on a much larger scale, and will probably be happier because of it! Hatching aliens while possibly still watching Lawrence of Arabia!

Don't forget that Oram is closer (era-wise) to Fifield and Millburn, than to Ripley and Hicks, so it might just be a case of generational stupidity.


Maybe Emily is on the good team, spying on Poseidon for some reason! So she redeems herself on the final episode and she and Whip get a formal introduction to the Scofield Gang, complete with a cake resembling Sara's chopped head in a box.

Also today: Prison Break Season 5! 5x08, "The Progeny".
"Michael and Lincoln enlist the help of Sheba and C-Note to catch Poseidon when Sara and her son are threatened; Whip takes a separate mission; T-Bag reveals a secret."

Let's send #65 a photo cake with a picture of the royal family!

Wow, a 1998 picture about chat-room websites! I wonder what's her AOL username in the movie, and if it shows the long ass connection time.


Can I switch your question a bit and make it "What pieces of pop culture did you think you'd LOVE based on the people who loved it, only to find you HATED it?".

Pazzi's death is one of my favourite, most gruesome scenes in TV history. To be honest, I didn't mind much about Will's adventures in Lecter past, but Hannibal and Bedelia going through Italy was amazing.

If I'm not mistaken, Laura does save him, but from being kidnapped by Mr. World's cronies, not necessarily death by hanging. But, as you said, it's been a while, I cannot remember with certainty!

Thank you, I need to re-read the book, there are some things I'm forgetting and that's not fun! My college library doesn't have it anymore, sadly.

I love you, American Gods, but please no more shots of naked Dane Cook posing like Jennifer Aniston on that famous Rolling Stone issue. Or at least emit a warning so I know which minutes to skip!