As much as I love the show, I keep insisting that, even being an adaptation, that damn title had to go. It is the Selfie way of people ignoring good shows for their shitty, once topical, names.
As much as I love the show, I keep insisting that, even being an adaptation, that damn title had to go. It is the Selfie way of people ignoring good shows for their shitty, once topical, names.
Isn't that always someone who got wronged by Regina one way or the other? I just wish that they had left her as a super villain with a shit heart instead of pancaking the living shit out her alliances.
I'm guessing they needed a Molly Hooper who could be treated even worse than the show's version.
Today I had to delete for good a film magazine I used to love because they made an article about "the curse of Gabourey Sidibe… what happened to her career?". Not only it was tacky as fuck, but also it showed how poorly uninformed those bastards were, considering I saw her name in most media outlets this week alone,…
Hey, Free Fire twinsies! About the geographical thing, that was one of the issues that bugged me the most. The warehouse is pretty big, but at least half of the action takes place right there in the open space? The chases of Justine/Martin and Vernon/Frank were some of the most entertaining parts of the film, even…
Free Fire. It was pretty entertaining, but nothing to call home about. The cast really makes it worth the admission price, though. Even the most script-abandoned characters shine because of the actors' talent. I personally loved Harry and Stevo, and wouldn't have mind if the movie had been two hours of them throwing…
I don't know if anyone watched the full performance, but the expired Pikachu returns at the very last minute… only to deflate again the second it arrives near the other Pikachus, prompting the security team to run and take him back again. It's funnier that second time, really.
A group of Rebel soldiers break into a space version of "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" while we see freeze frames of the different deaths witnessed on the film.
New Episode IX: Chewbacca is Snoke
Love how the porn movies today have interchangeable titles. You could have a porn Mad Libs out of this. XXX Jobs, Anal Fucktory, Naughty Players, Odd Office, etc.
Spoiler: Stagnetti survives enough to see a sequel, regular "porn credit" feature, MCU-level Pirates 2: Stagnetti's Revenge.
I keep insisting that X-Men: Apocalypse would have been better if the titular character had been a dong-hanging Dr. Manhattan-like villain. Or if Magneto had hanged dong. Or Xavier, I'm not picky.
Peter Harness writing the War of the Worlds adaptation seems like a very good idea. He did a pretty damn spotless job with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
I watched that movie repeatedly when I was a child. Looking back, I shouldn't have been allowed to watch it. And then everyone wonders how I came out the way I did.
#5: professional nonsensical ranter with poor TV show ideas. Katey Sagal's husband.
"Buridan's Ass" is amazing. The other day I was rereading the plot synopsis of each episode on IMDB (just to remember) and when I got to that one I had to take a deep breath, it was genuinely so good, that remembering it overwhelmed me.
I kept waiting for Officer Mac to order Fight Milk, yet it was obvious it wouldn't happen. That broke my heart even more so than the little robot story.
You got the actor wrong (it's Thomas Mann, I know him from Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters) but the ages still match your assessment.
It was quite weird to think how the ages fit, though I was very pleased that both young and old Thaddeus had big noses. It really irks me when a character looks vastly different during…
I really took that at face value just like Gloria, having the quick "and of course this moron has kids" thought. The followup clarification made things way worse.
Also, I like the idea of Whip being Poseidon, but only if it's Prew's character on Pure Genius doing a crossover.
He builds hospitals during the day, he shivs ISIL people by night!