
On a sleepless night I exhausted all other options Football, Homeland, The Affair, John Oliver and Project Greenlight before I figured I'd watch this and even though I have zero fucks of an idea what was going on I have to admit I kinda loved it.

Still waiting (not so patiently anymore) for the final season of Parks and Rec.
It's long overdue.

My favorite "revelation" of this season, maybe the entire series actually is that Alana and Margot are still together and have a child.

Seriously, WHAT THE F**K!!!

It's constantly a challenge to seem sane when I talk to people about the show and tell them it could be interpreted as a love story.
Scenes like this though prove my point.

It was kinda heartbreaking to hear that Amazon wanted the series but because they wanted it to go into production immediately the schedule wouldn't work.
Why that makes a difference to a steaming service, I don't know but god damn I wish something could have been worked out.

"If I saw you every day, forever, Will, I would remember this time"

I was really hoping to see a Jonathan Demme directed episode.
His TV work on The Killing was fantastic.

For fucks sake I am way to stressed about this.

I can't remember where I read it, I may have even heard it on a podcast but it was said that the studio with the rights to Silence of the Lambs is still trying to get a series going featuring Clarice and that's one of the reasons why they still won't work out a deal. The worst part was that Lifetime was one of the

I'm throwing down the gauntlet and saying my Prime Membership is on the line here.
Unless Amazon is willing to go under from loosing my $100 a year they better get moving.

I'm trying to stay positive here and I pray Amazon or Netflix is already on the phone but this is a complete bummer.
Please don't let this be the end.

I was fine reading this until she quoted the lyrics of You Are My Sunshine and have been a wreck since.

I feel pretty dumb admitting this but when I read the description in Monday's CBB podcast and it said they talk about Jason's new podcast "Talk in Tang" I immediately searched for it in iTunes thinking Fuck yeah, Jason's doing another podcast.

Have been rewatching seasons 1 and 2 on Amazon the last few weeks and I'm beyond thrilled that Hannibal is back.

This is probably a cheat but for me it's Orphan Black.

I keep looking for clues to suggest that she is a hallucination mostly because like everyone else I think she's the worst but after last nights episode it seems almost impossible for that to be the case.
Even though the thought of Norman just dry-humping an empty bed is pretty hilarious.


You've pretty much nailed my exact thoughts on how this season ends.
For the past 7 episodes it seems like we are leading to Norman being committed at the end of the season.
I'm also hoping that in seasons 4 and 5 we start to deal with the town stuff less and less. I realize there's no way to stretch Norman and Norma's

I've always thought and like others are saying below that the show should end when Norma dies.
I could see the Norman killing her in the finale and then a time jump with the very end being Marion driving to the Motel with that classic score playing while on her way.
Except this time instead of seeing her from the front