
Just started watching the show and had these reviews bookmarked and saved, not so I can comment but to see what the community was saying.

I'm in the middle of rewatching season two and while I still love it there was a lot of fat that could have been trimmed.
The first 4 or 5 episodes were all over an hour and even on the back end it wasn't as tight as season one. Going back to 10 episodes is a great sign that Esmail learned from the handful of mistakes.

As kids my father prohibited me and my sisters from eating that stuff whenever we visited my grandmother.
I hope my grandma wasn't trying to kill us but leaving out a bowl of sugar coated shards of glass was kind of suspicious.

They could use the CGI to create some sort of portal to another universe. Then our hero can try to close it before alien robots destroy the planet.
The possibilities are limitless.

No matter how many times I've heard Clarence Clemons Jungleland solo I just break out in tears.
Especially with the live version from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 25th Anniversary Concerts.

As you can see by my avatar I'm a huge Star Wars fan. As a grown adult I've spent way too much of my life obsessing over the series.
But, as I've said before, Star Wars fans are the fucking worst.

I watched 9 out of 10 episodes of The Crown.
I wish I could bring myself to just finish the last hour but I just can't bring myself to do it.
I also, just don't want to.

This seems like the proper place to do it so I'll join the others that can't believe The Leftovers was shut out of every category but one.

Sadly they probably don't give a flying fuck. His batshit crazy antics give them the perfect cover to push their policies while everyone else is paying attention to the big orange ape.

"Watched Morning Joe for the first time in long time".

It seems silly to think about but the main reason I was bummed about him dropping out of Ant Man was because it would have been a big hit on his resume.
It wouldn't have been as huge as other Marvel movies but it would have opened a lot more doors.

In the winter of 2002 we were snowed in and without cable. Because the storm was so bad I couldn't even take my 11yr old daughter outside to play so she was pretty bored.
When I first suggested she tried reading the first book in the series she had very little interest. Fast forward a couple hours later when she was

Being in prison for any reason when you're not guilty has to be absolute torture but the time since his conviction was overturned in November and now the next 90 days are probably the longest and hardest of all the days he's spent locked up.

My prediction is 3 more episodes of Dougie.

In 2020 when Ted Cruz looses another campaign to be the republican nominee I really want to be in the room when he asks his advisers "Why does this keep happening"?

I love Star Wars.
I've loved it since I was a kid and as an adult still spend more time than I should thinking about it.
I say this to provide context for what I'm about to say…

Wasn't it only late last year that rumors of an Oasis reunion was "imminent"?

One of the highlights of a new Ghostbusters getting made for me was not having to hear Aykroyd go on year after year about one happening.

I wouldn't be surprised if Bradley Whitford's character from Get Out was loosely based on Bill Maher.

I was house sitting over the weekend and with a stocked fridge and crappie weather keeping me indoors so I flew through the season over the course of 3 days.
I enjoyed every second of it.