
Avoid Frontier at all costs.
The prices may run cheaper but it's not worth the hassle.
Terrible OnDemand, slow interface and constant glitches.

At a particularly low point I was sitting on the back porch drinking a cup of coffee and watching the dogs play in the yard.
After 20 minutes or so I thought to myself that this is the most content I've been in a long while.
Since then it's become my favorite part of almost every day.

Seriously damn.
If you're ever at a point like this know that there will be a tomorrow when you feel better.
It may not be tomorrow tomorrow but it will come.

I know a lot of folks didn't love Audioslave but there were a few months in 2005-2006 that listening to "Doesn't Remind Me" 10 times a day got me through a pretty rough run.

Talking with my mother last night for Mothers Day and she asked what I was up to and I said I was just going to eat dinner and then watch The Leftovers.
She asked if she should check it out and now I really really wish I told her to go ahead and start with last nights episode.

I hope they rotate the two Becky's every other episode.

I also think it's worth noting that because this will also be a Blumhouse production M. Night will have to work with some restraint.
Which is a great thing.
It will probably end up being the biggest budget they've allotted for one of their pictures but it still won't be $50-$60 million dollars.

Right up to its very last episode Bates Motel was better than it ever had any rite to be.

So when the call with Nora asking for permission to go to St. Louis ended George Brevity said something like "well she's going" and that caught my attention a bit.
Maybe I'm overthinking it but that gave me the impression that the DSD already knows about this scam or whatever it is and were wanting/hoping Nora would

I'm really really worried about Dylan. My biggest fear is some sort of murder/suicide in the woods next week which would leave all members of the extended Bates family (Caleb, Alex, Norma, Norman, Dylan) all dead in the same area.

I want to read this book to see if Baldwin mentions in every chapter how he gave the money from his Capital One commercials to charity.

I still dream of a new season focusing on a Sam Seaborn presidency but the logistics of putting it together would be insane.

Just rewatched that episode on Tuesday night and even though I've seen it 3 or 4 times now I'm still blown away.

I'm sure it will never be addressed and really doesn't matter but does anyone know the actual timeline here?
I think there were at least 2 time jumps (probably more) during the original series run so I have to think this new run of episodes has to be taking place sometime in the 20's right?

He referred to her as "Ma" and she also said something like "you can't call me that here".
So I took it at face value, especially considering there wasn't much subtlety to be found anywhere else in this episode.
But also, who the fuck knows what is happening here???

Fucking hell, David Bowie died.
White noise.
Prince died.
White noise.
Donald Trump is our next President of the United States.
White noise.
David Bowie died.
White noise.
SNL seems like it's better.
White noise.
Seriously, what the fuck? David Bowie died.

Well thanks to your comment I now like Timberlake more than ever.
I had never heard of or seen his dig a Buck but after reading your comment I did a quick search and my day was made.
So thank you very much.

The best thing about this series for me has been Andrew Scott as Moriarty.
Sadly though, Moffat seems to like the character more than I do and is apparently trying to make us all sick of him.

Just last week I watched Stand by Me again for the first time in probably 15yrs and I'm hard pressed to think of another movie that I loved as a 13yr old that could have such an effect on me as a 41yr old.
I loved it just as much as I did then but from a totally different perspective.

I live only 30 minutes from Stamford.
I just looked out the window and the Sun doesn't seem as bright around here today. Now I know why.