
Well I'll be damned, the first 3/4 of this season has taken Bates Motel from "yeah it's alright and entertaining" to "Holy Shit!!! This is pretty great".

I went to Tampa one year for New Years and my buddies mom lived in Clearwater.
Without already knowing Scientology had a huge presence there you'd think 90% of population were waiters.
The downtown area in general seemed like quite the odd place.
It was 1 day almost 10yrs ago and I haven't been back since so maybe my


Has anyone watched both this and the UK version of the show?
I ask because I'm curious how different they are?
The UK series has well above a 100 episodes which is not usually the norm and I've only seen the pilot but didn't continue because the Showtime version followed that beat for beat.

Bye Bye Parks and Recreation.
Bye Bye Pawnee.
Bye Bye This Cast.
Bye Bye Li'l Sebastian.

Man this is awful.
Just was listening to his episode of U Talk in U2 To Me on Monday and Farts and Procreation are 3 of the episodes I listen to the most.

I have a somewhat similar problem.
My birthday is April 1st so every time someone new finds out I get the same comments and I'm expected to react like I've never heard them before.

I had to use this quote when talking about the show with a friend.
They believe that either Alison or Noah is telling the truth. The whole truth. And at some point we will find out who is lying.

Love the question but my answer isn't all that inspired.

Well, I've been looking for an excuse to watch Twin Peaks again (3 times already) and now I've been convinced I have one.

Even though I should know better by now I'm still a sucker for anything Williamson is involved with.
I've seen everything from Scream to Cursed, from Dawson to The Vampire Diaries and The Following.

I'm sort of a Studio 60 apologist but what I can't defend are the "skits" within the show.
Holy shit were they awful. I still can't get Sarah Paulsen's dolphin voice out of my head.

In the months spent before you're about to become a parent you get "advice" from everyone around you.
It's usually all the stuff you'd normally think on your own.
Try to sleep when they do.
Save your money.
Plan ahead.
Blah blah blah. You get the point.

I tried watching Broadway Idiot the other night and I can't remember the last time I wanted to puke while watching something.

Pull through Mr. Morgan. Pull through and I promise to watch every episode of 30 Rock again for the 7th time.
I'll start right now and won't stop till I'm done.

Pretty much the same with me…
As I get older I've become more aware of how I rotate through a select group of bands or solo artists within a year or so for each rotation and Zeppelin was always apart of the group but after this released I don't think I've gone a month (two max) without listening to it in its entirety.

I think the live album "How The West Was Won" is an essential.
3 discs of punch you in the gut rock & roll.
I was a bit worried before its release that with Page mixing it would be all guitar front and center all the time but nope, Bonham's drums are the highlight. It's like rolling thunder from start to finish.

This is an easy one for me.
I've watched all 11 episodes but for the life of me I can't stand Firefly.
I even went back a couple years back to give it another shot and couldn't make it past episode 5.
I should like, scratch that I should love it. I've spent more time watching and reading Sci-fi T.V., movies and books

Overall I have to agree with this review…
I'm sure as a play this must have been something amazing but as a movie it felt like a severe case of Murphy not being able to kill his darlings.
The last half hour or so is just monologue after monologue and at a certain point it stops being effective and instead you (me) start

I love uncomfortable teases we get during the show of what we either think or know will happen…
Every time Norma and Norman go just a bit further than what most see as a normal mother/son relationship.
The shot a few episodes ago of what appears to be Norma cooking with an apron on but then we see it's Norman.
In the