
For some reason I wasn't thinking about the last tribal when you can use an idol.

I'd be fine of Tony had 2 regular idols but that "special" idol or whatever it's called kind of sucks the drama out of things because unless the group decides that they will vote for Tony every tribal unless he wins an actual challenge he has a clear path to the finals and most likely a million bucks.
I'm not saying

God damn it!!!
I was really rooting for Ryan to die in this episode.
Not for reasons that pertain to the show. I could really give a damn what happens as long as it's as silly and stupid as it was last night.
I wanted him to die because I'm tired of feeling bad for Kevin Bacon.
Every episode you can see the will inside

Well then I'm reading too much into it also because that's exactly what I thought.
There has too be more into it than just a random woman coming up to Don out of the blue and asking him to come upstairs and f**k her.
At least I hope there is.

I'm a sucker for sappy season and series ending finales and I thought this would be a perfect end for Parks.
I will without question watch next season but I just don't see how they could top this hour and it be as satisfying

Since I first started reading these articles I've been waiting and hoping for someone to pick Lady in Red. Having Coogan pick it was worth the wait though.
It's been #1 on my list since I first heard it all those years ago. I was only 11 or 12 at the time and even then I thought it was complete crap.
To make it worse

Usually when watching a new show it takes a combination of things that helps me decide if I'll stick with it. For Silicon Valley it was one line of dialog…
"Like a snack dick."
I don't care what happens from here on out, I'll watch this series till the end.

As much as I loved season 1 and am looking forward to season 2 I would appreciate it if they decided this was a 3 season show. No more, no less.
I'm always excited for great Sci-Fi on television but when I think of shows like X-Files and Fringe my overall opinion of those series are muted because they ran too long.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the offices of John Oliver's new show right now.
If still with Comedy Central the announcement would have been included in the press release about Colbert that he's taking over the show.

I know season 2 is generally considered the shows best but I have to go with season 4.
It still blows my mind that Drew Thompson was Shelby.
Especially considering the writers didn't even decide it would be him until they were already 3 or 4 episodes into writing the season.

For once I hope this is true.
Before every season starts we hear that Tim and Rachel will play a bigger role but it never seems to happen. Especially for Rachel. Other than the episode in season 2 about her sisters ex I can't remember another example of her being a central part of a story line.

I was able to tolerate JJS for the first few seasons because I thought he was at times a necessary evil but why the fuck did they bring him back???
I really hope that next season picks up immediately after that moment and we find a drunk Carl and Frank have stolen a car and after running a red light they hit the car

Cake Boss has looked into the future and says it will happen.

As we get closer to the end of the season it seems to me that Schur and the rest of the staff were as surprised as anyone about the renewal for next season.
Leslie possibly leaving Pawnee is a final season plot line and now that everyone knows there will be another season we know there's zero chance of it actually

It still boggles my mind that this is the same show I was barely tolerating during seasons 1 and 2.
I stuck with it through those seasons because I thought it was funny at times but I was never in a rush to watch but now it's a must see on the night it airs. Even this weekend I'll be recording Game of Thrones so I

Cheers will always be #1 for me but growing up in the 80's I can remember countless intros that I still remember by heart…
Different Strokes
Laverne & Shirley
Facts of Life
Growing Pains
Family Ties
Those are just a handful but the list goes on.
Heck, I even remember the days when every once in a while you'd hear the full

I've been recording the episodes that air on syndication and a few weeks back I reached that episode.
I had a silly thought that maybe it wasn't as bad as I remembered but god help me it was worse.

Am I the only one who's not a fan of "Oh, Hello"?

A May release is not a good sign.
With a movie that covers a subject like this and has names like Witherspoon and Firth attached I would normally expect a release later in the year to capitalize on awards buzz.

There are times that I marvel at the fact that this is still the same show that I once thought was more of a joke than anything else.
While still being over the top crazy the way this season has balanced the craziness with actual real drama is pretty fucking impressive.
Shamless has to walk the finest line of any other