
I've watched the premier of Hannibal then True Detective, The Walking Dead, Bates Motel and then half of this is in a 36 hour span.
I needed to then watch a handful of Parks & Rec episodes on Netflix before bed just so I wouldn't be so fucking depressed.

When I saw that last night's episode was written by Scott Reynolds my suspicions that the writers of The Following were using left over ideas from Dexter were confirmed.
It all makes sense now. At first I thought it was just lazy writing that Max was a network TV version of Deb but now I know she is Deb.
Even the dialog

Having Mike and even Gus show up makes sense and to an extent Jesse could work but that's about it.
The only time I want to see Walt is if during the series finale it ends with Walt and Jesse sitting in the car talking about hiring Saul.
Anything other than that would be a terrible move.

I've long dreaded the day when I'll read about Jimmy Page passing. He looks like he's in amazing shape but I know one day I'll read that headline and I imagine I'll break down pretty quickly.

Yeah, it's either that or the other way around.

Thank you.
For the life of me I couldn't remember where that car came from and every time we saw Jess in it I kept wondering what I missed.

I completely forgot about Community.
I won't win any fans here by saying this but I haven't started watching the new season yet. I have the 6 episodes saved but will start now that the Olympics will be on instead.
Haven't tried Brooklyn Nine-Nine yet but maybe I'll give it a shot.

After reading this I started to think of other comedies I still watch on network TV and all I could come up with is Parks & Rec and The Following.

"Ryan, it's me. Don't shoot."

With Game of Thrones I just learned to avoid any and every comment section early on.
I learned the hard way during season 1 when I found out about certain things that still haven't happened.
On the rare occasion that I leave a comment, I post it then delete any email replies without reading them.
For movies I apply the

All I want to know is when will Comcast/Xfinity customers be able to use HBO Go through Roku?
I only ask because a friend who subscribes to HBO has to use his father's password through AT&T Uverse.

I've been meaning to re-watch seasons 2-4 but haven't found the time just yet so for the life of me I can't remember the last time we saw Dewey Crowe???
I remember the episode when he was running around trying to get money because he thought his kidneys were stolen and his great lines "These are end times for Dewey

Oh AV Club, your ongoing gags about Showtime have run their course.
I laughed at your mock-reviews of Dexter. Expecting us to believe that he lived and is a lumberjack in hiding was truly hilarious. Even making up a show called Ray Donovan and continually posting reviews about it have been brilliant but now you

Yeah, that's probably what will happen and it's going to be tough to watch.
We all know Showtime will not let the writers kill him so for now they've just drugged him up and threw him in a corner but eventually we will have to go on the Nicholas Brody Redemption Tour and it's not going to be fun.

I can't resist…

Gretchen Mol is killing it as dope sick Gillian.
Watching her try to hold it together while every sound is like nails on a chalkboard, every touch feels like acid on the skin and every movement feels like bones are breaking is brilliant.
Even the way she kind of cheers up as soon as she knows she's getting her heroine

I think an important thing to remember is that Walt thinks Jesse is dead already.
The last time Walt saw him Todd & Uncle Jack said they would torture him for info and then finish the job.
So my prediction is Walt goes guns blazing at the Nazis but is surprised when Jesse comes out of nowhere and then Jesse puts a

While I applaud ABC for putting a Superhero Sci-Fi show on Primetime the simple fact is this probably won't last…
Even if every Comic Book fan and Sci-Fi fan watch that won't be enough to justify a show that's probably going to be ridiculously expensive to produce.
There needs to be an influx of casual Primetime viewers

As long as there isn't an episode where Saul runs into Jesse or Walt in a Super Market or something silly like that I'm all for it.

Before the season when I read that HBO was cutting the season down from it's usual12 episode order to 10 I thought it would be a benefit but last nights episode showed how wrong I was. It felt like 12 episodes were written and rather than trying to figure out how to condense the story they just had a time jump.