
Yeah, apparently a lab-tech at Miami Metro makes a boat load of cash…
I've seen a lot of articles about how much it would cost to be Batman but I'd love to know the numbers for Dexter???
You gotta figure Jamie makes at least $500 a week being Harrison's nanny along with at least a grand each a month for the 2 apartments

If I'm remembering correctly the DGA will only consider letting a director have his name replaced with Alan Smithee if he doesn't say or do anything that could be considered negative torwards the film and Kaye wasn't shy about what happened with Norton so they wouldn't let him remove his name and replace it with

I watched Dexter right after watching Breaking Bad last night and it was kind of like watching Wheel of Fortune right after Jeopardy…

In all my 30+ years I've never had the chance to punch somebody in the face.
I'm not saying that's bad, it's just something I've never done.
If I could pick one person and get one punch I think it would be Mr. Hannity.

You're in quite a pickle…
You really only have 3 options.
1. Call in sick to work, stay home and watch every episode before Sunday 9:00 PM and stay off-line while doing so.
2. Watch at you're own pace but wether it takes you a month or a year stay off-line the entire time.
3. Say fuck it, don't watch anymore and don't

I was given seasons 1 & 2 as a Christmas gift and at the time I treated the gift like a sweater from my grandmother. I said all the right things but then stuffed the DVD's in a drawer and tried to forget about it.
My thoughts were simple, why the fuck would I want to watch such a depressing show? I never thought it

There's a live at SxSW EP with them singing Disarm that's a million times better than the album…

Don't forget about the moment when Trinity sees Lundy outside of some building, walks up to and bumps into him for no fucking reason whatsoever…
Well there was a reason, the writers couldn't think of any other way for him to get caught.

Glad to know I'm not the only one irritated when Vogel says psychopath…
I don't know what it is but everytime she says it I want to punch something.

Same thing here.
My will power is shit so I gave in and started reading but when the page took a while to load I just stopped because I felt like I was reading someones diary…
Later on tonight after I have a few R&C's I'll probably finish reading it though.
To make myself feel better I won't listen to the Black Keys

It's only been within the past 15yrs or so that I've learned to appreciate and enjoy Rush.
Even though my first introduction was during the mid 80's and I heard a lot about what came before what I was hearing and seeing was the synthesized heavy stuff that was playing on the radio and MTV and I can't deny that it

Kind of bummed…
Ann was a huge part of seasons 1 & 2, especially when they needed her to help change Leslie from Female Michael Scott to an actual likable character but since then she's not had much to do.
I mean come on… They actually had her dating Tom for a while.

I should have wrote my theory on how Hannah will factor into the season is…
She show up at some point and become jealous of the new girl in Dexter's life and kill her.

I know we've all accepted that Miami Metro is the worst police department in history but come on!!!
Not one cop looked into or not one witness came forward about the accident from last week?
You would think that a former lieutenant and a current employee of the department being in a pretty serious "accident" in broad

I'd love to see the show get the 7 season run that Fuller has planned but the chances of that happening a pretty slim so my hopes are that we get at least 2 more seasons.
If season 4 is Red Dragon that means that Hannibal will probably be caught at the end of season 2 with him being tried and convicted during 3 and

That makes the most sense…
For the sister I've had Julia Stiles in my head. She seems kind of sporty Tom-boyish..

Oh, what the fuck!!!
Seriously, now Shamhammer gets to butcher prime time???
Fox should have just hired him as a writer for The Following, he'd fit right in.

Oh Studio 60, I actually loved the show except for those god awful sketches…
To this day whenever I see Sarah Paulsen I hear the dolphin noises she made that were supposed to be so funny.

This was without question the best episode of the entire series.
Even though it's unlikely I hope Jonathan Demme directs the last 2 episodes of the season because it would be a shame to have seen a brilliantly directed episode like this followed by episodes directed by the usual TV staff.
The close ups of Holder and

There's a recent Documentary called 'My Amityville Horror' that focuses on the son who lived there and how he believes it all really happened.
It was actually kind of sad to watch because the guy (I think his name is David) seems like he's kind of fucked in the head, but I guess I would be too if my mother & stepfather