
I've probably seen Mullholland Drive 10 times at least and I still jump every fucking time when the bum comes from behind the dumpster.

I remember a while back Haley Berry was paid like $50,000 to show her breasts in some flick and I now think the same thing happens for Jason Biggs and masturbation scenes.

Yeah Healey's Arc from kind of nice guy to full on villain (I also have zero sympathy for his homelife) was pretty fantastic. I screamed "You piece of shit!!!" at the TV during the final scene and the fact that Pornstache now seems "almost" sympathetic compared to him is some pretty great writing.

After we learned that Alex turned Piper in early on I actually forgot about it, so when Larry told her it hit me like a punch in the gut.
I thought the first 6 or 7 episodes were good but not great but after that it reached outstanding levels and the final scene was fucking brilliant.
Season - A
Crazy Eyes - A++

Justified is the best show on FX (sorry Louie) and yet it's once again ignored.

I just finished Orange Is The New Black last night and holy fuck that was great.
If it doesn't get forgotten by next years Emmys it should clean house.

For me no.
I know if I take one Percocet, Vicodin or Oxy I'm fucked and from what I've seen it would be the same for 99% of other addicts.
But I don't look at it as being powerless, like you were saying the powerless line is an excuse or a crutch IMO.
I know and understand I can't do that shit anymore, so I don't. It

I just typed out about 300 words agreeing with you about AA and NA but I deleted it because I figured this isn't the place and I didn't want to offend anyone.
I've been sober for just over 3 years and one of the reasons I got this far is because after going to meetings for a couple weeks I walked out one day and said

I'm really having trouble figuring out what this show is supposed to be.
I keep comparing it to Shamless or Californiacation shows that are so over the top and full of awful characters that they are comedies but this seems to fall some place just outside of those shows.
You'll have a scene where Micky is explaining the

Hemlock Grove- The Red Headed Step-Child of Netflix Original Programing.


Yeah, when I hear people saying that there's no way it's Vogel because the writers of Dexter aren't that bad I have to assume that they're forgetting about season 6.
Actually every season since season 2 has had it's terrible moments but season 6 was as bad as it got.

I thought this was a pretty solid episode right up to the last minute.
Of course Linden parked her Car half a block from the crime scene and will ya look at that… There's a Red Herring sitting in the back seat.

That scene with them standing by the "Maria LaGuerta Bench" was painful for so many reasons.
It was on of the worst exposition dumps I can remember on TV. Over the past 6 months they haven't had any of these conversations?
I also want the writer who came up with the "Maria LaGuerta Bench" fired on the spot. I can

A Back to the Future reboot/remake would just break my heart but I suspect it's inevitable.
My breaking point would be The Gonnies.
Mostly because I guarantee it would star Jaden Smith.

With Dexter starting next week I'm looking forward to moving True Blood to a OnDemand watch.
It usually takes 5 or 6 episodes before I start wondering why I still watch this show but within 10 minutes of last nights episode I reached that point.

There hasn't been anything yet but HBO usually announces early in the current seasons run.
If I had to guess I think they'll give it one more season after this to wrap everything up and that's about all I could take.

Not only are you correct about the comics but Superman also killed Zod in Superman 2.
Zod loses his powers, Supes crushes his hand then picks him up by the collar and throws him off a cliff.

I had hope after the first few episodes for The Killing, but after last night it's obvious that nothing has nor will change.
Red-herrings galore and slow as snails pacing that leads to absolutely nothing until the last few episodes.
I really believe this could be a great show if they had a BBC production schedule. 6

Sorry to say it but the red-herrings are there. I won't spoil it but there's already been 2 that I can remember.