
One of the reasons why I'm so excited about Harmon's return is a 13 episode season.
I've long thought 22-26 episodes is way to many for any show. Even the greats suffered at times because plots, character arcs and development had to be stretched to thin.
Fuck, even 24 is returning with 13 episodes.
So, IMO a tightly

Just a few days ago an Oasis show from 07 was on AT&TUverse and I have to admit hearing 70,000 people singing that song was pretty impressive.

Considering what he discovered while on the toilet does Hank get a pass for forgetting to wipe and wash his hands before leaving the bathroom?
99% of the time that's an unforgivable offense if you're over the age of 5 and don't suffer some sort of mental illness but I think Hank deserves a bit of slack here.

Even if season 5 is a mess I'd rather see Dan Harmon's Community fail rather than another writers version of Dan Harmon's Community fail like season 4.

I'm usually someone who avoids most Sci-Fi TV shows because, well… 99% of the time they're pretty awful.
So Orphan Black is a amazing surprise. So much so that I regret binge-watching these past 9 episodes over the past 3 days because I think if I were watching 1 episode a week like everyone else I'd actually

Why does every actress or even actor who gets their face done think they have the one doctor who won't fuck it up????
I'm only 5 episodes in and so far so good but I kept zoning out during the Lindsey episode because she looks like a completely different person.

Over the years there's been countless shows that dropped in quality from one season to the next but after these 13 episodes Community has earned a spot among the top of the list.
Week after week of watching the show try to be the same as it was under Harmon was just painful. So I'm at the point that I'd rather the show

Nothing can ruin an entire season of Survivor more than an undeserving winner and at this point if it's anyone other than Cochran that's how it would feel.
Sherri has no chance so I'm not worried about her.
Dawn ruined her chances bye turning on Brenda.
So now it comes down to Cochran, Eddie and Erik…
Erik has won a

I apologize if this has been mentioned before, I haven't kept up with the recaps & comments but does everyone agree that Norman is going to "kill the crap" out of Emma?
After Norman didn't kill Bradley last night I get the feeling that the writers can't wait to throw him killing Emma in our faces.

I should start bye saying when it comes to Parks & Recreation every episode starts at a 7 or a B- and can only go up from there but never lower because I just love these characters to damn much.
But as much as I enjoyed this episode and laughed when I should laugh it kind of felt like an episode written by a fan or by

Cheers to that!!
When it's 3am and I just finished 4 episodes of Fringe but know I'll be up for another half hour or so I'll just go to a random episode and smile as I dose off.
Parks & Recreation is another.

I should have gotten over it bye now but I still believe that any review, news, or interview that's written about Gus Van Sant should end with the line "Fuck You For That Psycho Remake".

It's mostly because I'm an obsessive compulsive jerk but my wife was quickly banned from adding to the queue.
Within a week over 120 movies/shows were added and yet I still heard how there's never anything to watch.
Are you fucking kidding me????

I've been saying for a while now that until Rob Zombie directs a movie written by someone other than himself he'll never get the credit he deserves as a pretty solid director.
The dialog is always so unbelievably over the top and ridiculous that it becomes laughable.

WOW!! Just plain olé WOW!!!
I have to eat a big plate of crow after this week.
I thought Phillip was a Final 3 lock because he stood zero chance of winning and I thought Cochran was a frontrunner to win it all.
But with Phillip gone it leaves the rest of S.R.U. scrambling and Malcom and Reynold actually have a chance to

I understand that I'm getting older so I don't know or understand what high school kids are saying these days but even if "you're freaking out all over Italy" is an actual phrase someone would say, what the fuck does it mean????
Also, who in a writers room full of folks probably in their late 20's and above came up

I never really thought about it until reading this review but if it is true that Kevin Bacon does need the money I'm once again thinking Fuck You Bernie Madoff!!!!
Is it possible to start a Kickstarter so we can raise money to give to Mr. Bacon so he could quit this show?
I've never really hate-watched a TV series

I can see that happening and would like it to but at some point Cochran is going to become a huge target.
People will start to realize if he's in the final 3 the other 2 don't stand a chance.
So the only final 3 lock I see is Phillip. I imagine everyone has already decided to take him because he stands zero chance of

This was a episode that reminds me why I still watch Survivor.
I thought we were headed for another season ruined by unlikeable players at the beginning but since Brandon and Shammar left we've seen actual strategy and that's why I still watch.
Granted Phillip, Reynold and Eddie are complete morons who think they're

Yeah, the back and forth between the husband and wife on The Americans is getting old fast. Every week they rotate and it's starting to get ridiculous.
It's still a pretty good but not great show but that's about it. As far as FX dramas go I'd rank it below Justified but above Sons of Anarchy.