
I'm surprised the was no mention of the guys being put in "Solitary" yet for some reason had 2 people per cell? Talk about convenient.
From the second the "previously on" segment started there was zero doubt it would be Opie who was going to die. The only question was could Sutter and the writers pull it off in a way

I'm sure this has been mentioned already but I think Walt already owns a location to cook…
The Carwash.
Much like the laundry it's a place that needs chemicals and Walt has a reason to be there everyday.
Granted Skylar won't like it but does that even matter anymore? I think everything will go fine until episode 8 of

I'm sure this has been mentioned already but I think Walt already owns a location to cook…
The Carwash.
Much like the laundry it's a place that needs chemicals and Walt has a reason to be there everyday.
Granted Skylar won't like it but does that even matter anymore? I think everything will go fine until episode 8 of

Such a shame because I thought the 1st 3 episodes were pretty good.
The most glaring plot hole IMO was…
Chris told the police well in advance who was involved in the heist so why were they not brought in immediately after the fact?
This could have been a great series but now I'll forget about it in a day or two unless a

Such a shame because I thought the 1st 3 episodes were pretty good.
The most glaring plot hole IMO was…
Chris told the police well in advance who was involved in the heist so why were they not brought in immediately after the fact?
This could have been a great series but now I'll forget about it in a day or two unless a

I forget the exact wording but there's a old quote about movie/tv writing that's says if you introduce a gun in act 1 you have to use it in act 3.
That's why I fully expect Walt to be going out in a full blown blaze of glory.
But who he'll be using that massive gun against is the mystery???

I forget the exact wording but there's a old quote about movie/tv writing that's says if you introduce a gun in act 1 you have to use it in act 3.
That's why I fully expect Walt to be going out in a full blown blaze of glory.
But who he'll be using that massive gun against is the mystery???

I listened to the podcast last season and while I enjoyed some of the tid-bits here and there most of the time they just talk about the production of the show.
It's still interesting but I hoped for more of a story behind the story aspect…

I listened to the podcast last season and while I enjoyed some of the tid-bits here and there most of the time they just talk about the production of the show.
It's still interesting but I hoped for more of a story behind the story aspect…

I so badly wanted to love this show. But other than the 1st 20 minutes of the premire and some of episode 3 the rest has been oh so bad.
And last night was the worst yet.
The Bigfoot shit was so annoying that by mid way through I wanted to change the channel. Are we really supposed to accept the fact that a blogger got

I so badly wanted to love this show. But other than the 1st 20 minutes of the premire and some of episode 3 the rest has been oh so bad.
And last night was the worst yet.
The Bigfoot shit was so annoying that by mid way through I wanted to change the channel. Are we really supposed to accept the fact that a blogger got

Breaking Bad is so fucking tense that I have to chain smoke through each episode.
Especially the past 2 seasons with the most gut wrenching hour being last seasons finale.
You just never know what's coming. Even though you knew Gus was walking into a trap the fact that shit usually falls apart for Walt had me on the

Breaking Bad is so fucking tense that I have to chain smoke through each episode.
Especially the past 2 seasons with the most gut wrenching hour being last seasons finale.
You just never know what's coming. Even though you knew Gus was walking into a trap the fact that shit usually falls apart for Walt had me on the

I think it may have been just to give Ann something to do.
Other than being Leslies BFF she really has nothing else to do. And that's my only real complaint with the show.

I think it may have been just to give Ann something to do.
Other than being Leslies BFF she really has nothing else to do. And that's my only real complaint with the show.

I think a C- is being to kind.
So Jamie freaked out and beat up Rosie because she may have heard what they were talking about??
She was 18yrs old I'm pretty sure even if she was in the room serving them tea she wouldn't have figured out what they were talking about.
How in the world does the Ames guy walk free???
Sure he

I think a C- is being to kind.
So Jamie freaked out and beat up Rosie because she may have heard what they were talking about??
She was 18yrs old I'm pretty sure even if she was in the room serving them tea she wouldn't have figured out what they were talking about.
How in the world does the Ames guy walk free???
Sure he

I enjoyed A Death In The Family when I was a young lad but I haven't read it since.
I think those 4 issues are the only comics I have left from then.
The rest suffered the same fate of comics left in partents attics worldwide for generations.
Tag Sale….
Where do I start my rant about how much I hated my step mother???

I enjoyed A Death In The Family when I was a young lad but I haven't read it since.
I think those 4 issues are the only comics I have left from then.
The rest suffered the same fate of comics left in partents attics worldwide for generations.
Tag Sale….
Where do I start my rant about how much I hated my step mother???

I laughed pretty hard when Reverend Steve said "I love you" when Jason took back his invitation.
And like most I'm irked that Tara is still around.
I wish she would be "fucktarded" like Pam said when she wakes up but unfortunately she's going to be another pain in the ass version of herself.