
I laughed pretty hard when Reverend Steve said "I love you" when Jason took back his invitation.
And like most I'm irked that Tara is still around.
I wish she would be "fucktarded" like Pam said when she wakes up but unfortunately she's going to be another pain in the ass version of herself.

Even if I didn't even chuckle another time during the movie the 2 sex scenes in MacGruber make it hilarious and a classic.

Even if I didn't even chuckle another time during the movie the 2 sex scenes in MacGruber make it hilarious and a classic.

While at no point did I believe Sherlock was actually dead I didn't like the shot of Sherlock at the cemetery at the end.
Sure, people would figure out pretty easily that he was alive when season 3 started production or if they knew the characters history but it still would have been a fun water cooler chat.
Also, I

While at no point did I believe Sherlock was actually dead I didn't like the shot of Sherlock at the cemetery at the end.
Sure, people would figure out pretty easily that he was alive when season 3 started production or if they knew the characters history but it still would have been a fun water cooler chat.
Also, I

Now that you mention it Mad Men has had quite alot of sideboob action this season.
How pervy am I that I'm constantly looking for a slip even though I know it's not live and it wouldn't get past censors?
Pretty pervy ha?

Now that you mention it Mad Men has had quite alot of sideboob action this season.
How pervy am I that I'm constantly looking for a slip even though I know it's not live and it wouldn't get past censors?
Pretty pervy ha?

I was expecting to be filled with joy when Community was renewed but there's not been one piece of news that's encouraging.
13 Episodes. Fuck You NBC!!
Friday Night Time Slot. Eat A Dick NBC!!!
Harmon Leaving. Suck A Fart NBC!!!!
What's next? Chevy Chase will be writing episodes???
NBC Britta'd the hell out of this…

I was expecting to be filled with joy when Community was renewed but there's not been one piece of news that's encouraging.
13 Episodes. Fuck You NBC!!
Friday Night Time Slot. Eat A Dick NBC!!!
Harmon Leaving. Suck A Fart NBC!!!!
What's next? Chevy Chase will be writing episodes???
NBC Britta'd the hell out of this…

As little as I'm surprised by anything Courtney Love related the fact that she needed a $2.75 million loan from her daughters trust fund has got to be a new low.
I feel weird bumming a smoke from someone I work with, imagine having to ask your kid for a couple million?

Does AMC still have the chart where you can guess who killed Rosie on it's web site?
I remember it did during season 1 but I don't remember the picture of a leather gloved guy smoking a cigarette.
I could look for myself but that would require to much effort.

Same here.
It's mind blowing when you think that some group of people thought doing a spoof of a movie that's been spoofed already is great way to spend a million or so.

Ok, I'm confused.
The scene when Holder comes to Linden's hotel and says emo kid is in the car made no sense.
Did Holder break the light and kill the power to the hallway lights?????
What was the purpose of that?
Was someone else there?
I'm still watching but I'm close to just reading recaps to find out how this all wraps

As someone who's seen every episode of The West Wing at least twice the Pillner for Pawnee napkin shot was great and of course I'm always game for a walk & talk.
But how dare they not have a moment with Whitford and Lowe together???
Maybe the writers figured it was a bit corny and would have felt forced but I still

This was just another episode that shows how inept this version of Seattle P.D. is.
If I remember they had the picture of the tattoo early on in season 1.
And you would think the Cops would interview everyone who works for The Larsens.
Case solved.
Not with this show. They'll accuse and charge every other person who

Harmon reminds me of a person we all have known at some point of our lives who would say "I'm a person who always says what I think and I don't hold back."
And we think "You're just an asshole."

With Dickie alive and headed back to jail how long into season 3 will it be before he's out again?
I say episode 6.
Nobody stays in Prison on this show…

I have to admit and I doubt I'm alone in this that since Community premired I've been waiting for Chevy Chase to become Chevy Chase and walk off or get fired from the show.
It's much like death, taxes and a hard on in the least appropriate moment.
It's going to happen

Adam Arkin seems to be the go to guy for FX.
He's directed episodes of Justified and SoA and now has appeared in both.
Has he worked on any other shows for the network?
I've never seen The Sheild or Rescue Me.

I apologize if this has been brought up already but,
Fuck the eagle!! What was up with the Spam Turkey????
If given the option I would gladly chow down on a eagle rather than a giant turkey molded from Spam.
Even after the episode ended I was thinking about it.
Were they really going to eat it?
How the fuck do you cook it?