
My disappointment with this episode stems from this.
For 2yrs I've been telling my brother that he will love this show. Every episode is laugh out loud funny. And like me he will be hooked after 1 episode.
Then on Thursday night the moment came. He was at my house. It was 8pm. No longer can he find an excuse. He was

I loved Raylans response after the "steaming pile of shit" line.
"Social awkwardness is often the curse of genius."
If you weren't paying attention you'd miss it. But I think that's one of the things I love most about this show. Every episode is filled with these little gems of dialogue.

I caught that to. I said to my wife "This guy's so crazy and needs to hit something so bad that he's hammering metal on metal."

The previews for this weeks episode were saying that something would happen that's never happened before.
While watching the episode I thought it was going to be the 1st time a contestant cold cocked someone and got removed from the game. I really thought and was rooting for Bill to knock Colton out when he was trying

I agree with what you're saying but I just read a interview with Grahm Yost and he said that that line was improvised on set.

Seriously? Again with this guy???
He must have info to bribe every board member with otherwise I can't figure out how he still has his job.
I thought after the debacle last year he would have been out. They lost a million members because of the "quickster" bs and the other dumb decisions that were made. Yet he is still

I watched Bug @ 2am on IFC before they started with the commercials every 4 minutes. It really creeped me out and now every time I hear Michael Shannon's name I think of that movie. And it's the only film that I can watch and tolerate with Ashley Judd.

I just can't but into Ann and Tom.
Sure it's cute watching him try to impress her but at the risk of sounding cliche and corny there's no spark or chemistry.
Does anyone here think she would EVER sleep with him unless she was completely hammered?
I can't see it. She obviously thinks he's a great guy but I can't even see

Cheers to AV Club for not bringing up wether or not Aniston appears nude in the film.
Every time I've seen the cast on a talk show or I've read an article elsewhere that's the topic.
So you have to figure if that's what their pushing the movie itself must be pretty awful.
And to top it off I hear she doesn't.
So I'm not

I caught the Jay Z reference also. For the rest of the night I was bouncing around with that song in my head.

If you just watch Sudekis (spelling ?) dancing the What's Up With Dat sketch is pretty funny.
Also, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only 1 who thinks Timberlake should do 1 year on the show. I usually can't stand his films but he's great on SNL.
Pohler as Hillary at the end of the Obama sketch was hilarious.

Has any show ever made us love white supremacists more than Justified????
Boyd, Dickie and, Dewey should be viewed as pure racist scumb bag evil but yet we love them soo….

While I haven't seen every episode of 2 Broke Girls I've seen enough to realize the "come but they're implying cum" joke was the worst 1 1/2 minutes of TV I've seen.
I'm not saying every show has to be Parks & Rec or Community but this is a new low.
And it's not because it's crude. I don't care about that. It was just

Breaking News……
Man known only as Adele's ex boyfriend has died from injuries suffered bye excessively kicking himself in the ass.

Good news.
I'm hoping that season 2 deals with her past and growing up in the south. Maybe she returns home with Satan Jr?

Just to throw in my opinion on the best half time show in recent memory,
He killed it. Purple Rain in the rain. I still have it saved on my DVR.