
Played it for 2 hours one night, another hour the next night, said "Fuck it", and put GTA V back in.

Your best bet is to do whatever she tells you to ;)

Great, I just spent $60 on a game I can't play.

Because it's the first thing most people thought of while reading this story.

Jezebel has gotten mean and petty lately, and so have a lot of Jezebel commenters who fancy themselves above the the fray. The thread on how much better some commenters' writing is than the writer's of Jez, was just so...misguided and petty.

are you a gynocologist? Because I almost bought a crafted vagina for a friend of mine who has recently declared her med school concentration to be gynocology, but then I decided she probably doesn't want to spend her life receiving vagina crafts. If she were concentrating in proctocology, I wouldn't buy her a

What's the fuss? There's always tea, pee in the bathroom.


Aye. Instead, developers are constantly trashed and attacked by trolls and haters and underappreciated. Or they are the butt of jokes by the average 'overthinking media critic' types of the net. There is just a severe lack of respect people have for these guys

“It was a shock to see all those people sitting in front of my game,” he said. “All I could think about was about how terrible it would be if a critical bug appeared.”

but how do we sleep while our beds are burning?

full armor spawn can be found inside the car impound

Laura, I figured this might be an okay time to ask:

Man, dating Jenny McCarthy must be so exhausting. Can you imagine?

Just curious—so we're done with pants now? Should I go ahead and take mine off, then? I don't want to seem like I'm 'not with it' or 'uncool.' Thanks.

She's actually 20, so she's allowed to do what she wants. But I just wish she wasn't so, I dunno, pointlessly crass about it?

Now playing

I'm gonna let you finish, but Kanye West had ruined the music video as an artform way back in 2011!

I understand that this is a car blog and that you cover all aspects of car culture, but I kinda think that this is one of the few things that is better left unpublicized. Internet fame is all these jackasses are after, and any mention of them (even when followed by stern warnings that what they did is stupid and no

I have lived through this during my teenage years in India. I have had close friends, albeit from financially unstable households, sold off to child marriage, become pregnant young, face domestic violence, even die to dowry (the last two were common in the middle class as well as upper class). Absolutely nothing is