No-bake Cheesecake:
No-bake Cheesecake:
And yet another “bill” that will never pass the GQP’s tightfisted control over the Democrats spine.
Here’s a taste of what the GQP wants Murica to become.
For the Genocidal old pricks party, the cruelty IS the point! They’re trying to make it so that the “unborn” has more right to exist than the mother. They’re stuck in the 1860's, and want to drag the rest of us back to that era. Christofacism at it’s most reprehensible.
Remember, they aren’t “Pro-Life”, they’re pro-forced birth. They only care from conception until you’re on your way to the hospital. After you arrive, they don’t care what happens to you, or the baby they forced you to have. And forget about any assistance, financial, or otherwise. That sounds suspiciously like…
Whenever I hear about it, (or any Q brained moron) all I can think of is Gene Wilder’s explanation of the townsfolk (from Blazing Saddles ofc).
He’s not sorry he did it, he’s sorry it got recorded. This PoS waste of space should be fired, his certification taken, and his ability to even own a gun as a violent offender. But none of these will happen, he’ll get away with his sorry/not sorry BS and be back to committing more unprovoked assaults in no time.
You think death-sentence is only going to allow this in concrete? Highly doubtful, it’s going to go into every paving method they can think of, including asphalt.
My thoughts, why not finish the job? Unless they want him to suffer more. Pedophiles get no sympathy from me.
Blazing Saddles anyone? Or just blanket all of Mel Brooks’ films. The Conquer (seriously, John Wayne plays a Mongolian).
Wow, the one I refer to as: “The shouting jackass” is still there? ESPN must love him, all he does is shout over anyone else who may have a dissenting opinion. Reiterating opinionated, trivial sportsball-babble. Supporting few, actually decent players, and defending mediocre a$$holes. All while refusing to accept any…
He’s pulling the 3 monkeys. I Saw no rape (see no evil), no-one told me about rape (hear no evil), and no comment! (speak no evil) All of which is BS. While hoping everyone forgets, he’s culpable in this.
Most of the issues are from overpaid administrators, and underfunded medical professionals. Keep in mind, those “Administrators” are typically friends of the local government (governors, congresscritters, etc...). So definitely not the best and brightest. Funding dries up, as these asshats drain away the government…
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. As a veteran, the VA is slow, inefficient, and full of cronyism. VA benefits are a crap-shoot at best, and their percentage of disability equation is a sham (limb paralysis is 20%, and sleep apnea is 50%+). It doesn’t help that they are constantly being underfunded, and run into the…
2 words: Waffle House.
It’s just lip service. To the GOP, veterans are just another prop/soundbyte, and less important than their teleprompter/speechwriters.
A friend of mine had a Dodge Shadow, and the most frequent song played in it was: Piece of shit car, by Adam Sandler. Just wish the POS was a diesel, it’d be more fitting.
Description says .4 inches, so less than a half an inch.
Nearly perfect pic, just needs the traitor flag of the south as a backdrop.
Which is exactly what the right wing nutjobs, and Faux Nooz has been preaching since Regan (with more than a little financial assistance from the NRA).