American here, but I doubt he’d even know when high tea is served. Nor would he be able to differentiate between earl-gray, and twinnings.
American here, but I doubt he’d even know when high tea is served. Nor would he be able to differentiate between earl-gray, and twinnings.
Much like her I.Q., her favorability is shown in the negatives. Got initially elected on BS, has done nothing for the people of AZ. Then decided she wanted more attention, and switched parties to become an independent. Well she’s independently awful, and not gonna get re-elected.
Answer: MONEY!
Ro = Negro
Nah, probably get hired by ESPN. Stuck on a show with even more howling jackasses.
Hopefully this bullshit gets the apathetic peoples of Tennessee out to actually DO something! like, I don’t know, maybe, possibly...VOTE. (seriously the voter turnout of that state is under 45% of those eligible) Even an increase of 15-20% more people might flip the state (regardless of gerrymandering).
“Should the water be too hot, meanwhile, the grounds are now burnt and the final product will be overrun by a sharp, tart flavor.”
How to make vomiting up mediocre burnt tasting coffee easier? Add some sort of lubricant. New at starbucks, olive oil is helpfully included (in your already ruined coffee) at an additional cost to you.
Be sure when you go, to make an order of Hash browns: Scattered, Smothered, Chunked, Topped, and Capped. The food is mediocre, but they’re open when you are stumbling out of a bar after last call. The food is relatively cheap, greasy, and filling (they also have better coffee than most places).
Now the question will be: Will she do what’s necessary, or become another limp-wristed, spineless “Democrat”. Who talks big, but folds like a wet sheet when there’s any sort of pressure from the GQP Fascists.
Take off the glasses, that line is as yellow as the piss running down their legs.
Don’t worry, they’re just getting started.
Nope, according to these rethuglicans, you should be executed before you spread your twisted ideals any further (you’re grooming/committing pedophilia according to them).
The flappy paddle garbage attached to a slushbox, 99.995% of vehicles that have these (there may be exceptions, but I haven’t found any) have no tactile feedback, so you may as well have an automatic. Give me a real shifter and clutch!
Ohio is the only state that starts, and ends with a sphincter after all.
It doesn’t matter who/what you are, when you file a claim with the VA you’ll run headlong into the wall of NO! The entirety of my neck, and back are FUBAR. Only 1 spot in my neck was “counted”, and the rest of my back was ignored or labeled as “minor back strain” 0%. They’re great if you’re addicted to opioids though…
There’s another term you could be looking for to replace that racist Rethuglican mob: A Lynch Mob. They don’t care who they hang, so long as they hang someone.
There goes another reich-wing shitbag into debt, in order to re-count a vote that wasn’t even close (ad-nauseum). Hopefully he can’t just declare he’s bankrupt, just like his lard and enslaver tRump. Although cashing out the retirement fund is a pretty gutsy (re: idiotic) move.
Be ready for one of two things happening.