
Or Starbucks (Reason 11, by Bloggy). Burnt beans, Overheated water, poor cleanliness, no proper calibration, and zero F***s given. “Coffee” for those that hate coffee is an apt statement. The caloric equivalent to an XXL milkshake, with a couple shots of some truly foul “coffee” added. Starbucks is to coffee, as Taco

Pro tip, before frying or even thawing your bird. Fill the pot with water, then lower the frozen turkey into it. This way you can get an eyeball measure for how much liquid the turkey will displace. You can more accurately fill the pot with oil, and prevent the spillage/potential fireball (and absolutely thaw and DRY

In part, because the Palestinians have no way to get out of Gaza. There are 2 gates, Israel controls one, and Egypt the other. Israel has threatened sanctions on Egypt if they open their gate, and allow mass evacs (a couple hundred people might leave per day). So Israel penned in 2.2 million people, and are

Exactly, all you’ll hear from the IDF member is: “but, but, but. Religious persecution/you’re antisemitic”. But HAMAS is evil, and all Palestinians belong to HAMAS, because they elected HAMAS in the early 2000's. What they don’t mention is HAMAS had 44%, and Israel with help from the US (and numerous other “allies”).

And this prick will wear this reprimand like a badge of honor. His Troglodyte Feaux Nooz followers will cheer, and continue to vote for him in lockstep. So even though something momentus has happened (Rokita barely got his wrist slapped), Dr. Bernard will unfortunately be disregarded and fade into obscurity.

It’s like arguing against an idiot. They’ll force you to come down to their level of stupidity, then beat you with experience.

Unless the trolls are now following each others accounts. Or using multiple accounts?

For Bibi, this is just the most recent excuse he needed to “clear out hamas*

No clue who keeps bringing this particular troll out. My SoP for it, when I see it, is to flag and dismiss. They truly aren’t worth the time and effort.

Right wing nutjobs gonna right wing nutjob. Regardless of what religion. HAMAS, and Likud are both killing innocent people. Although one is doing so in droves, while continuously dehumanizing, and committing atrocities rarely seen since WWII. Never Forget, has an added an asterix (for Likud): *unless we do it.

Yeah, the BS spewed by that moron has been dismissed. Whomever keeps pulling these trolls out of the grays needs to stop.

The food is mediocre at best. Out of the 5 times I’ve been to Olive Garden, I got food poisoning 3 times. 2 states, and a change of ownership on one, still got sick. You can keep that fake Italian sickness generator, thank you very little!

Uhh, those adoption agencies require proof of income. As well as a financial statements (5 years of them) from your bank, before they even consider you as acceptable for adopting anyone.

He’s the Rethuglicans “chosen speaker”. They run off the belief of: Rules for thee, not for me.

And globally, absolutely 0 f###s are given. If someone shows a scintilla of sympathy for the Palestinians, they get labeled ANTISEMITIC! Hamas are supposed to be the bad guys. Carpet bombing apartment blocks full of innocent people used to be considered a war crime. I guess this gets overlooked because there MIGHT be

Won’t make a bit of difference I’m afraid. They also completely ignore what Jesus did to the money changers in the temple (Yes, Jesus was Jewish).

It doesn’t help that the rethugs keep filing delay tactics on those district drawings. Even after the Ohio Supreme Court (GOP majority) has said, yeah, these maps are a bit suspect.

1 word explanation: Gerrymandering. He’ll only get primaried, if he pisses of the other GQP pricks.

Sorry, I’d tack a notice to the door showing that the Catholic Church declared “Bankruptcy” to avoid paying the kids that were raped by the Priests (Cincy, Columbus, and Cleveland). Yet are suddenly able to afford millions for a “Vote No” campaign.

DeWino already has a 6 week ban (a.k.a. heartbeat bill) ready to go into effect if Issue 1 fails. This bill was temporarily blocked by Ohio’s “Supreme” court, in favor of the existing 20 week ban, and Roe v Wade (remember the girl raped by her uncle, who had to go out of state for an abortion? The existing bill is why)