Whiskey Warrior

Nobody wins? I disagree. JEEP GUY WON. I don't even like Jeeps, but this sold me.

People who choose to buy technology I don' t choose to buy are deserving of death by torture!

Yes, uninstall elitism.app

Jalopnik value system : one miata = one v6 mustang.

And the world makes sense again

Is it okay to eat animals that routinely eat their young?

Have we reached the point where autocorrect has actually altered the language by so consistently changing "fuck" to "duck" that we can now use them interchangeably, given proper context?

This is the kind of knowledge I come here for.

That's brilliant. Keep Top Gear, but for the next series, Clarkson has to be on bicycle for all races, trips, etc. Sure, it'll probably kill the fat, old man, but it would be very entertaining.

I am implying that, yes. And yes so does the Bible, however not Christianity. The Pope himself disregards the Bible as a strict book of truth.

Any criticism of Islam: islamophobia

This is Jalopnik. The rest of Gawker Media doesn't give a crap about us.

Yes sir, I will be there. Got my tickets and paddock passes yesterday. They quit racing at my local track, Laguna, so now I have to travel. I see Barbeque and shit kickers in my future. Whee!

It's kind of a big fucking deal. I don't think that Jalopnik would be what it is without Top Gear having been there first.

I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, from men and women, young and old: “I’m not into cars, but I love Top Gear.” If it didn’t serve as a gateway drug for cars, it at least helped the normals understand us enthusiasts a little bit.


Oddly enough, my monthly quota of clicks stands at only five. Five clicks. That’s all it takes.

Is in the UK, not US. Much fewer lawyers..

Wow, two straw men, one post.