
you use it to tag enemies on the radar by getting a visual of them... when you get tagged its like a short flashbang so it is kind of useful

Rogers.... 6GB ...

it is already known that its a different battery than the iphone 4, and they used the same chip in the ipad 2, which is also a chip that they designed themselves. something tells me that a gigantic company like apple didnt just throw in a chip in a new phone and then release it, and suddenly realize it uses more

*takes screenshot off the screen with a digital camera*

there is, but its tethered. honestly its not an issue for me because i restart my phone maybe once every 3 months... i'm just keeping it as a tethered jailbreak til the untethered one comes out because i didnt want to live without bitesms

it changes between languages if you leave it be

thats true to a point, but with the BIS and BES infrastructure literally all the data traffic goes through there.. with icloud the worst thing that could really happen is we lose our backups... the phone would still work at least.

downloaded and jailbroken 5.0 on iphone 4... went off without a hitch

you have to enter your password when you open the app... i'm assuming to combat things like this

yeah but it will be the last big update, with the delta OTA updates being available from now on

there's a tethered jailbreak available... if you can live with it being a hassle to reboot your phone

just do the tethered for now, i mean sure its annoying... but i only every reboot my phone ever 3 months or so anyway

ios 5 banner notifications with bitesms's quickreply is everything i've ever wanted the text app to be. so stoked.

i don't see why they couldn't just implement a text function for siri... just have another button that brings up the keyboard and interprets your text the same way it does the voice commands

its called an interbang

the reasoning i can see behind this is the competition. there are android phones that have been on the market for months that equal or beat the supposed iphone 4S specs. apple simply can not afford to fall behind at this point, they have had a strong lead, but that is because the iphones released have always been a

you have to supply a login and password for it to work IIRC, so just... don't?

w7 is the best OS microsoft has put out in forever. dare i say better than XP? really i just like it more than XP, although XP has proven itself over the years... i feel that w7 is truly the next XP that will stick around in the enterprise world for years to come.

seriously. i feel like the instagram haters are just like the guitar playing guitar hero haters. no one playing guitar hero on expert thinks they're amazing at guitar, the same way no one having fun with instagram thinks they're a professional photographer.

i have never once, in the 4 years i've owned an iphone, ran out of battery completely.