
@RenRen: I guess that would be the one acceptable exception.

i just use the 'Fast Notes' feature of SBSettings... i know it requires a jailbreak, but if you have an iphone theres no reason it shouldnt be jailbroken

@ehed: yeah you're right, i guess i am thinking more on the consumer side of things. i dont see a reason to buy an iphone at this point in the cycle, but if people are gonna do it anyways then it makes sense for apple

i don't really understand why they're releasing the iphone 4, 6 months in to the product cycle, on a new network. don't get me wrong, i'm all for verizon having the iphone (although it doesnt affect me at all personally) but it seems like it would be a way better idea to wait a few more months and launch it with the

@y0himba: the iphone is far from useless, sure it has its flaws like every device does, but to write it off as a device that people simply buy just because its 'trendy' shows that at best you are a bigger fanboi than most of the iphone users you seem to hate. as for tethering, my tethering is free on my iphone, it has

@iSee: oh come on, that rule is complete bullshit in the first place and no one actually turns their device off, you just put it in to sleep mode.

@Deekle: what happened to parents being responsible for the upbringing of their children?

@blyan is nominal too?: while its true you can't garantee 100% security, they should at least be trying... that kind of security would have stopped the current leaks

@AngryHoneyBadger: Citrix? you could always just go the opposite way. instead of transferring the files to a remote point, you just access the original from a remote point

@blyan is nominal too?: you could easily just disable the ability to read USB keys and CDs etc from all the machines... people could still bring them in but they'd be useless

@Dacker: the problem is that these days, removeable media is no longer required at all.

@Master_Soda: yeah i know, but in the real world, with a good carrier it is a non-issue.

@rcs914: definitely constitutes a public performance, my local bar up the street got nailed $15,000 for airing the home version of a UFC match instead of paying for the bar version.

uhhh... half the time i spend using my iphone is when taking a crap. if i had an ipad it would be the same situation, theres no way i'd leave it lying around in a starbucks, i'd be using it.

@vinod1978: yeah i know, a lot of people dont seem to get that it really isnt an issue on some other networks.

i have an iphone 4 that i use without a case *gasp* and i have never dropped a call with it.

@MrHaroHaro: BBM's only real advantage these days is that it is included as a free service on pretty much every blackberry plan i've seen. with a bunch of friends who also have blackberrys this basically means free texting/picture messaging.

@triplecheeseburger: I didn't know that, thanks for pointing it out. i assumed the iphone 4 was still g

i bet airtime will become a much bigger deal and much more integrated with iOS once they release the iphone 5 with an 802.11n radio